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Industrial Group meetings in 1999

Meetings listed in this file are:

Industrial Crystallography Forum

Royal Court Hotel, Coventry - 12th&13th April 1999


Monday 12th April

09.30 Registration & Coffee - Windsor Room

10.20 Welcome & Introduction - Steve Norval

10.30Special Interests - Parallel Sessions A & B

10.30 A. Diffraction and the Materials Scientist - Blenheim Suite

Chair Judith Shackleton

10.30 X-rays and Neutrons in Harmony within Residual Stress Measurements.
Mike Fitzpatrick, The Open University

11.00 Line Profile Analysis - An Overview of Techniques.
Arnold C Vermeulen, Philips Analytical - Almelo, Holland.

11.30 EBSD - the complete new metallography tool and its diffraction!
Ian Brough, Manchester Materials Science Centre.

12.00 Obtaining diffraction information from hazardous materials.
Michael Cartwright, RMCS, Cranfield University

12.30 Core Wars! Manufacturing Problems with Ceramic Cores in Gas Turbine Blades.
Colin Small, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby

10.30 B. Pharmaceuticals - Windsor Room

10.30-13.00 Polymorphism: Supporting Techniques for Structure Determination

Chair Chris Frampton

10.30 Diffraction. Norman Shankland, University of Strathclyde

10.55 Solid State NMR. Robin Harris, Dept of Chemistry, University of Durham

11.20 Modelling. Roger Davey, UMIST

11.45 Thermal Methods. Ian Cooper, Roche Discovery, Welwyn

12.10 Optical Methods. Gary Nichols, Pfizer Central Research

12.35 Spectroscopy. Bob Lancaster, GlaxoWellcome

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Workshop - Rietveld Analysis - Windsor Room

Chair Jamshed Anwar

14.00 Introduction - Principles of the Rietveld Method. Jamshed Anwar, Kings College London

14.30 Applications of Rietveld - Quantitative analysis. Martin Vickers, Birkbeck College

14.50 Applications of Rietveld - Structure Determination. Bill David, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

15.20 Tea

15.40 Applications of Rietveld - Profile Analysis. Ian Langford, Birmingham University

16.10 Profile Analysis: The Next Generation from Single Line fitting up to Rietveld Analysis. Kern Arnt, Bruker-AXS

16.30 Open Discussion

16.45 Industrial Group AGM

17.15 The Alun Bowen Industrial Lecture: Forens ic Applications of X-Rays
click for ABSTRACT
***** David Rendle, Forensic Science Service Metropolitan Laboratory, London.

19.30 Sherry Reception - Sponsored by:Bruker-AXS

20.00 Dinner - Wine Sponsored by:Philips Analytical

Tuesday 13th April

9.00 Assuring the Quality of XRD Measurements - Windsor Room

Chair Steve Norval

09.00 Performance Testing of XRPD Instruments. Burkhard Peplinksi, Federal Institute for Materials Research & Testing (BAM), Berlin.

09.30 Diffractometer Alignment. Dave Taylor, Consultant,Wigan.

10.00 Open Discussion.

10.30 Coffee

11.00 Industrial Applications - Windsor Room

Chair Bruce Fox

11.00 Determinat ion of Crystallinity and Unit Cell Size of Faujasites. Jan van Mechelen, Shell International, Amsterdam.

11.30 Microdiffraction of Industrial Samples. Jo Jutson, BICC Cables Ltd,Energy Technology, Wrexham.

12.00 Applications of Powder Diffraction to Mineral Systems. Gordon Cressey, Natural History Museum.

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Special Interests - Parallel Sessions C & D

13.30 C. Pharmaceuticals - Windsor Room

Chair Chris Frampton/ Philip Lake

13.30 -16.00 Polymorphism: Case Histories

13.30 Chris Frampton, Roche Discovery

14.00 Chris Dallman, Pfizer Central Research

14.30 Philip Lake, Glaxo-Wellcome

15.00 Gerry Steel, Astra Charnwood

13.30 D. Thin Films - Blenheim Suite

Chair Keith Rogers

13.30 Analysis techniques for thin films. Paul Fewster, Philips Research Laboratory, Redhill

14.00 Depth Profiling in Solar Cells. Don Wood, Cranfield University

14.30 Bioprosthetic coatings. Robert Scott, Biomet

15.00 Thin films and aliens. Keith Rogers, Cranfield University,

15.30 Open Discuss ion.

16.00 Tea & Close

Autumn Meeting

Workshop on Crystallography, the Internet and Spreadsheets.

Birkbeck College, London, -Thursday 4 November 1999

Registration Form

Organiser: Jeremy K. Cockcroft

A one day workshop is planned covering an introduction to the Internet, News and Web pages, and Crystallographic/scientific applications. A range of crystal lographic software available over the Internet will be presented together with the pros/cons of the various applications. The meeting will be held in the department's Glaxo-Welcome multimedia suite and numbers will be strictly limited to 50. Contributions by participants are welcome.

The programme is as follows:

10.00 Registration and Coffee

10.30-12.00 The morning will cover resources available on the Internet

Speakers: Lachlan Cranswick - Crystallograph y on the Internet
Kate Crennell - the BCA web site

12.30 - 14.00 Lunch

14.00 - 16.00 The afternoon will concentrate on spreadsheets and other computing resources

Speakers: Dave Taylor - Spreadsheet possibilities
Steve Norval - Fortran to spreadsheets

Open discussion sessions and hands on Internet sessions will also be held throughout the day.

Last updated 26 August 2002
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