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January 1998 Newsletter


  1. Editorial
  2. Chairman's Message
  3. Pharmaceutical Meeting progra mme 18/3/98 Advance Notice
  4. Spring Meeting programme St Andrews 5-8/4/98 Advance Notice
  5. Help! - Sample holders
  6. Elevated Temperature Workshop 3/6/98 Advance Notice
  7. Residual Stress Workshop 24/9/98 Advance Notice
  8. IG Autumn Meeting - 4/11/98 Advance Notice
  9. Call for nomi nations - IG Award
  10. Autumn Meeting 6/11/97 Report
  11. The 3 R's - Rietveld r values explained
  12. Camera Techniques - the overlooked tools
  13. Committee Members and Addresses (1997)


Welcome to 1998, and Best Wishes for successful year! This is the first issue to carry Ron Pflaumer’s logo design - more details below.

This edition also carries the sad news that Dave Taylor is resigning as Chairman, due to early retirement from Pilkingtons. We wish him well for the future.

Details of this year's events are included, together with application forms for the Pharmaceutical and Spring Meetings.

Glasgow 1999 is not too far away, and a pre-Registration Form is enclosed. Your committee would be please d to receive ideas and thoughts for the Industrial Group input into this meeting, so please contact any of the committee members. Industrial Group Committee, appears at the head of this page.

Logo Competition

Thank you to all who took part and showed interest in the competition. No objections to a new logo were received and we intend to try out the winning entry over the next few months. However, if you still think you can do better please send in your suggestion and we may able to use it in the future. The winning design is by Ron Pflaumer. A little subtle editing recommended by the judges has been applied. It is seen as representing the Bragg-Brentano optics common to many industrial applications. A prize of a £20 book token has been awarded to Ron for his efforts


The Editor and committee would like to express their thanks to Pilkington Technology Centre for the printing and distribution of the last newsletter, and to Raychem Lt d. for extending similar facilities for this one. With a distribution of approximately 400, the time and costs involved are not inconsiderable and the help is much appreciated.

Chairman's Message

�Best Wishes for the New Year to all our members and supporters. I hope you were able to attend one of our meetings last year and that you will make every effort to come to one of our planned events this coming year. There is a wide choice includin g sessions on: Pharmaceutical SIG, Powder diffraction hardware /software developments, Data quality workshop, Elevated temperature SIG, Residual stress workshop and an Autumn meeting covering general interest topics. More details on all these events elsewhere in this issue. I think you will agree it is an interesting and varied programme. However, if you don’t see something in our programme of interest this year, then contact any committee member or myself and let us know the topics you would like to see covered in the future.

�Remember that by attending a qualifying meeting your BCA membership will be renewed. Our theme for St Andrews is Powder Diffraction Data acquisition and quality with the co-authors of "Introduction to X-Ray Powder Diffractometry" involved in the programme, along with presentations from major hardware suppliers. It's all packed into a couple of days and the sea air is thrown in to blow those winter blues away!

�I hope you like Ron Pflaumer's winning entry in the IG logo competition (shown elsewhere in this issue) and that it will help you easily identify our content in future publications. The quality of the entries made choosing a winner difficult. We had half a dozen entries to choose from and I thank all those who submitted entries. However, we are always open to new ideas, so if you think you can do even better send your idea to Jo Jutson.

�On a personal note I have decided to take early retirement from Pilkington and wil l be leaving the company on 31.3.98. As a consequence I will resign as chairman of the Industrial Group at the St Andrews AGM, a year earlier than planned. However, I still plan to pursue an active role in the X-ray field so you haven’t seen the last of me yet. In fact for those of you attending the Denver conference I will be presenting an update on the UK Intensity Round Robin as part of a workshop covering the exercise worldwide. It is not too late to take part in the Round Robin, you can n ow do the tests and process your own results by using the self test files available for download from the BCA web site.

�We do occasionally get things wrong and I apologise for the early publication of our last issue. We gave the result of Tony Bell's appearance on Mastermind before the BBC screened the event and unfortunately spoiled the enjoyment for some. I take all the blame as Pilkington agreed to fund the copying and postage for that issue and we managed to do it in record time! (The fact that I was about to go on a much-needed holiday did play a small part).

�The next IUCR congress is in Glasgow next year (4-13 August 1999). What involvement would you like to see from the Industrial Group? What event or programme content would make it a meeting you could not afford to miss? Send your ideas to Jo Jutson before the end of March for consideration at the St Andrews meeting.

�I would like to take this opportunity of thanking your committee for all their efforts on your behalf over the last year and know that with their dedication the group will continue to provide a balanced and rewarding programme of activities over the coming years.

After 31.3.98 I can be contacted at:

Tel 0174 4893108

E-mail - [email protected]

Dave Taylor -12/1/98

Last updated 28 August 2002
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