Industrial Group meetings in 1998
Meetings listed in this file are:
Industrial Group Pharmaceutical
Methodology and Practice:
Structure elucidation of organic and pharmaceutical
by laboratory X-ray Powder Diffraction
Date March 18th 1998
Venue: Roche Discovery, Welwyn.
The programme c
overs: Indexing, Sample preparation and Data
Collection, Refinement, Polymorphism of Paracetamol and
Instrument Calibration.
Invited lectures include:
- Daniel Louer (University of Rennes)� Structural
Analysis with Conventional X-ray
- Jeremy Cockcroft (Birkbeck College)�Sample
- Ken Shankland (or Bill David)(Rutherford Appleton�
Structure elucidation
- Mary Tremayne (University of St.
- Gary Nicols (Pfizer) & Chris Frampton (Roche)�
The Isolation & Characterisation of the Elusive Orthorhombic
Polymorph of Paracetamol.
- Marek Zakrzewski (Philips Analytical)� Calibration
of X-Ray diffractometers
- Arnt Kern (Bruker AXS)� Instrument Set Up &
- Steve Norval (ICI)� Update on the European Standards
e note that this meeting is limited to 75 people, so
please contact the organiser asap!
Mr P.G.Lake
BCA Spring Meeting 1998
Industrial Group Sessions
Monday afternoon - 6th April 1998
The Group will hold a Workshop on :
Data Quality - Fit for Purpose which will cover
two areas:
- Data for Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis
- Data for
Profile Fitting, Indexing and Lattice Parameter and
Structure Determination
Speakers will include:
- Ron Jenkins (ICDD)
- Jamshed Anwar (Kings College, London)
- Richard Todd (University of Manchester)
- Kevin Knight (RAL)
Tuesday - 7th April 1998
The Alun Bowen Industrial Lecture will be given by Professor
Robert Snyder, of Ohio State University
followed by a session on:
Hardware Dev
This will allow manufacturers to present the latest developments
in their software and will be of interest to all conference
Posters are an essential part of a successful meeting and
contributions on any aspect of crystallography will be welcomed.
Details for submission will be in the next issue of
Crystallography News
Special Interest Group Workshop
Powder Diffraction at Elevated Tem
Venue: ICI Wilton (near Middlesbrough)
Date: Wednesday 3rd June 1998
This will be a one-day workshop building on the success of
last years meeting. It is intended to hold a Round Table
discussion covering diffraction studies at elevated temperature
in the industrial laboratory. Lots of user participation is
expected with the opportunity to air your views and discuss your
The opportunity will be available to give a short presentation
on t
he work your are doing or hope to address with elevated
temperature work.
Some general headings will help to give the day some
structure, but the plan is to be flexible and allow lots of
discussion time to cover particular topics of interest.
Topic list will include:-
- Instrumentation
- Using gaseous environments
- Temperature measurement
- Data quality
- Data Processing - Quantification
- Applications
- Problems and Solutions
The general organisation and co-ordination of discussion on
the day will be shared between Dave Taylor and Steve Norval.
Offers of presentations or topics for discussion at this
meeting should be addressed to:
Dr S V Norval, ICI Technology, Wilton Centre, PO Box 90,
Wilton, Middlesbrough TS90 8JE
Tel 01642 432005 E-mail [email protected]
Venue: The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes.
Date:Thursday 24th September, 1998.
This workshop is aimed at existing users of conventional and
portable residual stress measurement systems and those interested
in the potential of the technique. After an overview of technique
options, brief presentations and round table discussions will
allow participants to raise points and discuss problems in a
non-competitive environment. Subjects will include:
- Geometry differences: (including detector types and
- Peak location options,
- Radiation choice and slit selection,
- Coping with poorly diffracting materials
- Data presentation and validation (pros and cons)
- Residual plastic strain
- Tips for other users.
Speakers will include Neil Fox and Colin Small from
Rolls-Royce, Brian Shaw from Newcastle University and
representatives from DERA Farnboro
ugh. If you would like to give
a brief presentation about your experience on any of these or
other issues please contact Kath Clay.
Some portable hardware will be available for inspection at the
meeting and a visit of the Open University x-ray stress
measurement facilities will be an optional activity. Registration
Forms are enclosed with this issue of BCA Crystallography News,
or are available directly from the meeting organiser:
Mrs Kath Clay, HEXMAT, 1 Westfield Terrace, Hexham,
Northumberland, NE46 3DJ,
tel / fax 01434 60178 E-mail: [email protected]
Industrial Group Autumn Meeting
Wednesday 4th November 1998
Zeneca Specialties (ICI), Runcorn
The day will start with tea/coffee at 10 o'clock and the
programme will commence with an introduction to the Zeneca site
at 10:30.
Speakers and titles include:
- Ian Brough
, Application of Electron Back Scattered
- Nick Elton, Analysis of Kaolinite Orientation in Paper
- Jim Chisholm, Environmental Analysis
- David Taylor, The Denver Conference
- Chris Frampton, Application of Darts to Pharmaceutical
Problem Solving
- Speaker to be advised, Diamond - The Future of
- David Taylor, New ICDD Data Base demo
Further information and registration form from :
Dr. Graham McPherson.
Zeneca Specialties
Tel. 0161 721 1660
email [email protected]