Historical Record of Past Crystallographic Meetings
IUCr -
Moreton Moore started this list of dates and locations of past
meetings as a contribution to the BCA history.
Others may wish to add further details.
BCA Meetings
(see list of AGMs)
- 2006 [24] Lancaster
- 2005 [23] Loughborough
- 2004 [22] Manchester
- 2003 [21] York
- 2002 [20] Nottingham
- 2001 [19] Reading
- 2000 [18] Edinburgh (Heriot-Watt)
- 1999 (No BCA spring meeting due to IUCr Congress in Glasgow)
- 1998 [17] St Andrews
- 1997 [16] Leeds
- 1996 [15] Cambridge
- 1995 [14] Cardiff
- 1994 [13] Newcastle
- 1993 [12] Manchester
- 1992 [11] Liverpool
- 1991 [10] Sheffield
- 1990 [9] Exeter
- 1989 [8] Oxford
- 1988 [7] Edinburgh (Heriot-Watt)
- 1987 [6] Warwick
- 1986 [5] York
- 1985 [4] Bristol
- 1984 [3] Nottingham
- 1983 [2] Egham (Royal Holloway, University of London)
- 1982 [1] Durham
Note: The 1st presentation of the
Dorothy Hodgkin Prize
was in 1991 at Sheffield.
European Crystallographic
Meetings (ECM)
- 2006 [24] Leuven, Belgium
- 2004 [23] Budapest, Hungary
- 2003 [21] Durban, South Africa
- 2001 [20] Krakow, Poland
- 2000 [19] Nancy, France
- 1998 [18] Prague, Czech Republic
- 1997 [17] Lisbon, Portugal
- 1995 [16] Lund, Sweden
- 1994 [15] Dresden, Germany
- 1992 [14] Twente, Netherlands
- 1991 [13] Trieste, Italy
- 1989 [12] Moscow, USSR
- 1988 [11] Vienna, Austria
- 1986 [10] Wroclaw, Poland
- 1985 [9] Turin, Italy
- 1983 [8] Liege, Belgium
- 1982 [7] Jerusalem, Israel
- 1980 [6] Barcelona, Spain
- 1979 [5] Copenhagen, Denmark
- 1977 [4] Oxford, England
- 1976 [3] Zurich, Switzerland
- 1974 [2] Keszthely, Hungary
- 1973 [1] Bordeaux, France
Note: The European Crystallographic Association (ECA) was
formed at ECM17 in Portugal.
International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)
- 2005 [20] Florence, Italy
- 2002 [19] Geneva, Switzerland (substituted for Jerusalem, Israel)
- 1999 [18] Glasgow, Scotland
- 1996 [17] Seattle, USA
- 1993 [16] Beijing, China
- 1990 [15] Bordeaux, France
- 1987 [14] Perth, Australia
- 1984 [13] Hamburg, Germany
- 1981 [12] Ottawa, Canada
- 1978 [11] Warsaw, Poland
- 1975 [10] Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 1972 [9] Kyoto, Japan
- 1969 [8] Stony Brook, USA
- 1966 [7] Moscow, USSR
- 1963 [6] Rome, Italy
- 1960 [5] Cambridge, England
- 1957 [4] Montreal, Canada
- 1954 [3] Paris, France
- 1951 [2] Stockholm, Sweden
- 1948 [1] Cambridge, USA
Note: The IUCr was setup in London in 1946. A list is also given on the
IUCr web site.
European Powder Diffraction Conference (EPDIC)
- 2006 [10] Geneva, Switzerland
- 2004 [9] Prague, Czech Republic
- 2002 [8] Uppsala, Sweden
- 2000 [7] Barcelona, Spain
- 1998 [6] Budapest, Hungary
- 1997 [5] Parma, Italy
- 1995 [4] Chester, England
- 1994 [3] Vienna, Austria
- 1992 [2] Enschede, Netherlands
- 1991 [1] Munich, Germany
Note: More details of EPDIC history can be found on the
EPDIC web site.