IG logo BCA IG Round Robin Quantitative Analysis

February - March 2002

Competition Details

As part of its involvement in the BCA Spring Meeting 2002 at York, the Industrial Group of the BCA is organising a Round Robin Quantitative Analysis competition involving an inorganic (mineral) and an organic (pharmaceutical) sample. The mineral sample to be supplied is a titanium dioxide sample containing a mixture of rutile and anatase, while the pharmaceutical sample contains a mixture of lactose and paracetamol. The Industrial group of the BCA thanks Huntsman Tioxide for the provision of the mineral sample used in this round robin competition.

All submitted results will be kept anonymous, but there will be a prize of a bottle of champagne for the quantitative analysis result for the person (or team) who obtain the best (closest) result for each sample. The two bottles of champagne will be awarded at the final BCA Quantitative Analysis session and the winners must be present to receive the prize. The judges decision will be final.

For the titanium dioxide mineral, a large (5g) single sample will be sent of the mixed-phase system. For the pharmaceutical, small (pill-sized quantity, 100mg) samples of both the mixture and individual components will be sent. Given the limited quantities of the organic samples, these will be supplied on a first-come first-served basis.

Results should be submitted electronically. A separate form is now available. Watch this space!

If you wish to participate, please supply contact details using the form below:

Participant Details:
Forename: *
Initial(s): *
Surname: *
Institution: *
Address (building):
Address (street):
Address (town):
Address (county/state):
Address (country):
Address�(post/zip�code): *
E-mail: *

Fields marked * must be completed.

Click the first button below to send.

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Please note: by submitting this form you accept that your details will be temporarily recorded for the purposes of the BCA IG Quantitative Analysis Round Robin. They will not be used for any purpose in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

Last updated 13 February 2003
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