IG logo BCA IG Round Robin Quantitative Analysis


Participant Details:
Forename: *
Surname: *
Institution: *
E-mail: *
Fields marked * must be completed. (Details will be kept anonymous.)

Result Details:
% Rutile:           % Anatase:           % Error:     e.g. ± 1.0% (estimate)
% Lactose:           % Paracetamol:           % Error:     e.g. ± 1.0% (estimate)

Please give very brief details as to the experimental method used for data collection (e.g. Bragg-Brentano geometry, capillary, etc., thin flat plate)

Please give very brief details as to the analysis method used (e.g. single peak, profile, etc.)

[Warning: Do not fill each box with more than 240 characters otherwise the message may be truncated partly or even completely.]

Please give very brief details as to the experimental method used for data collection (e.g. Bragg-Brentano geometry, capillary, etc., thin flat plate)

Please give very brief details as to the analysis method used (e.g. single peak, profile, etc.)

[Warning: Do not fill each box with more than 240 characters otherwise the message may be truncated partly or even completely.]

Fields marked * must be completed.

Click the first button below to send.


Please note: by submitting this form you accept that your details will be temporarily recorded for the purposes of the BCA IG Quantitative Analysis Round Robin. They will not be used for any purpose in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

Last updated 5 April 2003
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