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January 1996 Newsletter


  1. Editorial
  2. Quantitative Phase Analysis II 14 February 1996 - Advance No tice
  3. Annual General Meeting 4 April 1996 - Advance Notice
  4. BCA Spring meeting 1996 Cambridge - Advance Notice
  5. Essential Crystallography for Industrial Powder Diffraction Users 1-3 April 1996- Advance Notice
  6. Autumn Meeting 2 November 1995 - Report
  7. Instrument Sensitivity Round Robin- Register Now
  8. Residual Stress Measurement- VAMAS Standard
  9. BCA Industrial Group Membership
  10. Committee Members 1996 Addresses


This issue details the recent Autumn meeting, hosted by the British Steel Corporation at their Swinden Research Laboratories at Rotherham The theme, the analysis of small samples, proved rewarding with a variety of differing inputs, as the enclosed report shows, During the meeting Peter Salt was presented with the IG award for his outstanding contributions to clay analysis using XRD. The meeting saw the implementation of the new group membership scheme, details of which are reported below.

Of interest to workers in the field of Residual Stress is the report and call from Colin Small for participation in a European initiative. It would seem to be extremely important to understand and have input into any such move to create standards or methodology. Several forthcoming events are announced in this newsletter, together with a call for both papers (Autumn meeting) and posters (Spring meeting) The latter is of immediate interest, and in an attempt to bolster the number of entrants, Derek Hart has agreed to act as co-ordinator for this Group. The committee wants to encourage this mode of expression, and would remind you that a prize is awarded far the best poster - so please contact Derek if you wish to present a poster.

The Spring meeting also heralds an innovative attempt, initiated by David Taylor, to broaden the understanding of Industrial and Academic Diffractionists who may have been using the technique as an analytical tool, but who may not have received formal training in crystallography. We have been privileged to secure the services of Dr Jeremy Cockroft who will present a series of lectures timed around the Industrial Group Sessions at Cam bridge. This should prove to be an interesting and informative approach and full details are given below.

Bruce Fox

Industrial Group Membership

From the 1996 Membership year, attending a qualifying Industrial Group meeting will attract optional BCA membership for that year, or for paid up members renewal for the following year. The Spring meeting will not qualify because of administrative difficulties. The change is aimed at attracting new industrial group members and maintaining their interest in industrial crystallography. It will cover normal, retired or student membership. The new system will run in parallel to existing membership arrangements. Any existing standing orders or Royal Society of Chemistry or Institute of Physics payments will continue unless changed by the individual member. If you intend to attend at least one of the qualifying meetings each year you may decide to take advantage of free membe rship and make the necessary changes to your present membership arrangements. Any duplication of fees generated by this scheme will be used to fund Association activities, no refunds will be made. A new meeting form will include all the details required to process membership applications. New applicants up to 30th September will be enrolled to the end of that year. New applicants after 30th September will be enrolled for the following year. Paid up Members will have their membership renewed for the following year (this includes new members who attend two qualifying meetings in the same calendar year). Membership status of individuals will continue to be advised in a fly sheet accompanying Decembers Crystallography News.

Last updated 28 August 2002
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