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Industrial Group of the BCA

Archive of Notices of Past meetings of the Industrial Group

Contents This file contains notices for meetings held before 1996:


Notice is given that the 13th Annual General Meeting of the Industrial Group of the British Crystallographic Association will be held on Thursday, 4 April 1996 at 12.10 hours at the University of Cambridge.


  • Minutes of the 12th AGM and matters arising
  • Chairman and Trea surer's reports
  • Election of Officers and Committee
  • Nominations are sought for the election of:
    • a) a Chairman of the Group for three years from 1996. Dr.D.J.Dyson has indicated his intention to resign from office at the AGM and is not eligible for re-election.
    • b) One Committee member for three years from 1996.
Nominations which may only be made by members of the Industrial Group should reach the Secretary by 28 Ma rch 1996. Nominees must indicate their willingness to serve, if elected.

Eric H. Kelly, 44 Penymynydd Road, Penyfford, Chester CH4 0LQ

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Essential Crystallography

for Industrial Powder Diffraction Users

1-3 April 1996 at the BCA Spring meeting

Course tutor :-Dr Jeremy K Cockcroft, Department of Crystallography, Birkbeck College

A short course is planned on essential crystallography aimed at industrial users to coincide with the BCA Spring meeting in Cambridge. The course will commence on the Monday afternoon and revolve around the Industrial Group session on Structure and Data (Wednesday morning) with the final session on Wednesday afternoon. This leaves Thursday morning free for the session on preferred orientation. The course will consist of eight sessions and is aimed primarily at XRD users who have little knowledge o f the basic crystallography that underpins their day to day work.

An outline of the syllabus is given below.

  • Real Space:
    Crystals including morphology, lattices and planes, unit cells, packing of atoms and molecules, crystal symmetry, equivalent and special positions, bonding, interatomic distances and angles.
  • Reciprocal Space:
    Diffraction, Reciprocal lattice and hkls, Laue symmetry, reflection multiplici ty, systematic absences, space group determination, d-spacings and indexing, structure factors and intensities, 3D versus 1D data (single crystal v powder).

Although the level of computational mathematics will be low, participants should have a reasonable understanding of the mathematical concepts involved. To ensure that these basic principles are understood it is planned to distribute to participants a short primer of relevant mathematical and crystallographic concepts befo re the course.

Attendance at the course is conditional on registration for the full Spring Meeting. Application will be part of the Spring Meeting Registration form. For further information contact the course organiser:- David Taylor
Tel 0169554303, Fax 0169554596, E-Mail [email protected]

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Industrial Group Sessions at BCA Spring Meeting 96

Structure and Data:
Wednesday Morning - 3 April 1996

The session will complement the Essential Crystallography Course. The following topics are proposed:
  • A Complementary Structural Technique: X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
    Professor G N Greaves - Daresbury Laboratory
  • Determining a crystal structure: What modern instruments and software can do.
    Dr Marjorie Harding Liverpool University
  • Di splaying structures. Software available to enable structures to be viewed, and manipulated will be described.
  • Structural databases.A presentation describing the usefulness of structural databases.
  • The story behind the card. A review of the procedure to supply a pattern to the ICDD database.

Call for papers:- Offers of contributions on the above or related topics should be addressed to the session organiser:-
< br> David Taylor
Pilkington Technology Centre, Hall Lane, Lathom, Ormskirk L40 5UF.
Telephone: 01695 54303 Fax: 01695 54596
E-Mail [email protected]

Preferred Orientation:

Thursday morning - 4 April 1996

It is expected that the list of speakers will include: Mr David Blundell, Dr Alun Bowen, Dr David Dyson and Mr Derrick Hart.

Call for papers:- Offers of contributions should be addressed to the session organiser :-
Mr Colin Small
Rolls-Royce plc, PO Box 31, Derby DE24 8BJ.
Telephone: 01332 240210 Fax: 01332 240327

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Industrial Group Award 95

Call for Nominations

It is the intention of the BCA Industrial group to make an Industrial Crystallography Award to suitable UK crystallographers working in industry or in academic institutions. The Award will be given i n recognition of a sustained contribution to industrial crystallography including crystallographic and diffraction work of all kinds.

The Committee of the Industrial group will make the final decision concerning the Industrial crystallography Award. They intend the Award to take a form that fittingly marks the contribution made by the recipient.

Nominations for this Award are invited now and should be sent to the Secretary of the Industrial group at the address below. Besides the name and affiliation of the person proposed, nominations should state briefly why she or he merits the Award, giving a brief account (ideally not more than one sheet of A4) of her or his crystallographic work and its industrial significance. The proposer may, if desired, suggest the form which the award should take.


                 Industrial Group Secretary

                 Eric H Kelly

                 22 Penymynydd Road


                 Chester CH4 0


                 Tel: (01244) 549 536

Section last updated 19 May 1995

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IG Meeting February 1996



PART II of this Industrial Group Workshop will take place on 14 February, 1996, at Phillips Research Laboratories, Redhill, Surrey

The second workshop on quantitative analysis w ill begin with an overview of the quantitative methods available followed by a more comprehensive discussion of some of the methods. These will include the Chung method and the application of Rietveld analysis to quantitative methods. The workshop will also cover accuracy and precision of measurements, corrections and the requirements for accreditation of quantitative methods.

The speakers will include:
Dr David Dyson, British Steel
Mr Glyn Carter, Geochem Ltd
Miss J udith Shackleton, Phillips Analytical
Walter Gutteridge, British Cement Association
Speaker from Siemens

Further details and application forms will appear with the December 1995 issue of Crystallography News or contact Jo Jutson, Wrexham Technology Centre, BICC Cables Ltd, Wrexham, Clwyd, LL13 9XP

PART I was held on June 7th 1995 in Manchester.

During July, the sixty-one participants should have received a bound copy of the speakers' notes. Anyone who did not receive a copy should contact:
Dr David Dyson, British Steel plc, Swinden Technology Centre, Moorgate, Rotherham S60 3AR.
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Autumn meeting 95

Thursday November 2 1995

'Industrially relevant topics'

Speakers include:

  Watson Fuller 'Spatially Resolved Diffraction at the ESRF'

  Gordon Cressey 'Micro-sample

 evaluation of natural materials using a

                   PSD Diffractometer'

  David Dyson    'XRD applications at British Steel'

There will be an introductory paper on aspects of quality assurance.

Enquiries to:


 Dr.S.V.Norval, ICI Wilton research centre, P.O.box 90, Wilton, 

   Middlesborough, Cleveland TS90 8JE

 Tel: (01642) 432 005    fax: (01642) 437 490

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< a name="Jun95">Summer Meeting June 7 1995 (Wednesday)

Quantitative Phase analysis using X-Ray diffraction methods.

Part 1 - Sample Preparation and Presentation

10.30 to 16.30 in Manchester, cost 20 pounds per person.

Enquiries to:
Dr. M.Winter, Sir William Siemens House, Princess Road, Manchester M20 8UR

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Instrument Sensitivity Round Robin

The Industrial Group of the BCA are co-ordinating the UK implementation of an international round robin exercise on Powder Diffraction Sensitivity for the International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD). The measurements are based on the NIST standard SRM 1976 Alumina plate a number of which will be circulated around participants who do not have their own. Both Philips and Siemens have donated standards suitable for their sample holders.

Participants will be required to run a series of 22 scans with varying settings of tube current, voltage, step size, slit size and count times. The data produced will be submitted as plots and raw data (either hardcopy or PC readable files on floppy discs) to the UK co-ordinator.

Each participant will be given a user number to ensure anonymity and on completion will be provided with a summary of the data obtained from all participants and their individual user number. This will allow comparison of the performance of their equipment a gainst the range of other participants. It will provide a useful basis for ongoing performance tests to check instrumentation and satisfy the instrument performance criteria of accreditation.

The round robin will be launched at the Industrial Group Autumn meeting on 3/11/95. For further information or a registration form contact the UK co-ordinator - Dave Taylor at:-


Tel 01695 54303    Fax 01695 54596  E-mail [email protected] 

D J Taylor 

Pilkington Technol

ogy Centre 

Hall Lane 




L40 5UF 

Last updated 26 August 2002
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