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BCA Spring Meeting
Lancaster University Tuesday 4 April to Thursday 6 April 2006 |
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Parallel Session: Topology & Topology Workshop
Wednesday 5 April, 10:15 - 12:00, 13:50 - 15:10, 15:30 - 16:45
Chair: Jacqui Cole (Cambridge)
The two parallel sessions will be followed by a topology workshop run by Professor Mark Spackman using the Crystal Explorer software. Crystal Explorer is designed to calculate display and colour the Hirshfeld surface for a chosen molecule within a crystal. Visit the Crystal Explorer website at the University of Western Australia for more information: http://www.theochem.uwa.edu.au/crystal_explorer
Some features of the software are outlined below:
Detailed Programme:
10:50 Elna Pidcock (CCDC) Taking a Broad View of Crystal Packing
11:25 Thomas Gelbrich (University of Southampton) Supramolecular Constructs - Unbiased Descriptors of Crystal Packing
Lunch & Exhibition (12:00-13:00) plus AGM: CCG (12:00-12:30)
13:50 German Sastre (University of Valencia) Ring Topology and Strain in Zeolites
14:30 Caroll Johnson (ORNL) Orbifolded Thermal Motion Critical Net Topology
Tea & Exhibition (15:10-15:25)
15:25 Topology Workshop
Close (16:45)