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BCA Spring Meeting
Lancaster University Tuesday 4 April to Thursday 6 April 2006 |
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This year the BCA is changing the format of its Annual Spring Meeting to a style based on IUCr/ECM meetings where morning and afternoon sessions open with keynote plenary-style lectures.
Detailed Programme
Keynote 1: Tuesday 4 April, 13:00 - 14:00 - Chair: Richard Pauptit (AstraZeneca)
Keynote 2: Wednesday 5 April, 9:00 - 9:45 - Chair: Simon Parsons (University of Edinburgh)
Keynote 3: Wednesday 5 April, 13:00 - 13:45 (Alun Bowen Lecture) - Chair: Jeremy Karl Cockcroft (Birkbeck College / UCL)
Keynote 4: Thursday 6 April, 9:00 - 9:45 (Teaching Plenary) - Chair: Neera Borkakoti (Medivir UK Ltd)
The Lonsdale Lecture: Wednesday 5 April, 17:30 - 18:30 - Chair: Chick Wilson (University of Glasgow)
CCDC/CCG Prize Award & Lecture: Tuesday 4 April, 16:00 - 16:30 - Chair: Simon Parsons (University of Edinburgh)
PCG Prize Award & Lecture: Tuesday 4 April, 16:30 - 17:00 - Chair: Paolo Radaello (ISIS, CCLRC)
Parallel Session: High Pressures, Liquids and Surfaces
Tuesday 4 April, 14.00 - 15:30
Chair: Dr David Allan (University of Edinburgh)
This session will start with the presentation of the PANalytical thesis prize to Dominic Fortes.
Detailed Programme
14:00 Presentation Ceremony
14:05 Dominic Fortes (UCL) - Crystallisation of Ammonia Hydrates under High Pressure
14:25 Colin Pulham (University of Edinburgh) - Exploring Crystallisation Processes at High Pressures
14:46 Daniel Bowron (ISIS Facility, CCLRC) - Changing the Structure of Water using Pressure or Solute Species
15:08 Roy Wogelius (University of Manchester) - Crystallographic Controls on Biofilm Formation
Parallel Session: Crystal Stories
Tuesday 4 April, 14.00 - 15:30, 16:00 - 17:15
Chairs: Neera Borkakoti (Medivir UK Ltd) & Andrea Hadfield (University of Bristol)
Detailed Programme
14:30 Lindsay Sawyer (University of Edinburgh) - Protein Crystallisation - an Anecdotal Approach
15:00 Frank von Delft (SGC) - Trends and Observations from the SGC Crystallization Database
Tea & Exhibition (15:30-16:00)
16:00 William Hunter (University of Dundee) - Accidental Discoveries in Crystals of Complexes
16:30 James Murray (Vernalis) - Tales from the Crystallisation Bench /DD>
Parallel Session: Neutron & Synchrotron Opportunities for Industrial Users
Wednesday 5 April, 10:15 - 11:45
Chair: Jeremy Karl Cockcroft (UCL)
This session will be followed by the BCA Industrial Group AGM.
Detailed Programme
11:00 Andrew Jupe (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA) - In-Situ Synchrotron Diffraction for Studying Oil Well Cement Hydration at Elevated Temperature and Pressure in Real Time
11:45 Stephen Thompson (Diamond Light Source, Ltd) - Update on Powder Diffraction at Diamond
Lunch & Exhibition (12:00-13:00) plus AGM: IG (12:00-12:30)
Parallel Session: Customised Crystallisations
Wednesday 5 April, 10:15 - 12:00, 13:50 - 15:20, 15:40 - 16:30
Chairs: Jon Cooper (University of Southampton), Katie Brown (Imperial), Nick Keep (Birkbeck College London)
Detailed Programme
11:00 Jonathon Grimes (University of Oxford) Virus Crystallisation
11:30 Terese Bergfors (Uppsala,Sweden) Crystallization strategy at the Uppsala University RAPID Center
Lunch & Exhibition (12:00-13:00) plus AGM: BSG (12:00-12:15)
13:50 Paul Rowland (GSK) Crystallisation using Free-interface Diffusion
14:20 Monika Spano ( ) Crystallisation for Neutron Diffraction
14:50 Anne Cleasby (Astex) Crystallisation and Crystal Handling for High Throughput Fragment Screening by Crystallography
Tea & Exhibition (15:20-15:40)
15:40 So Iwata (University of London) Current Challenges in Membrane Protein Crystallisation
16:05 Nigel Unwin (University of Cambridge) Challenges of Preparing 2D Crystals for EM
Close (16:30)
Parallel Session: Topology & Topology Workshop
Wednesday 5 April, 10:15 - 12:00, 13:50 - 15:10, 15:30 - 16:45
Chair: Jacqui Cole (University of Cambridge)
The two parallel sessions will be followed by a topology workshop run by Professor Mark Spackman using the Crystal Explorer software. Crystal Explorer is designed to calculate display and colour the Hirshfeld surface for a chosen molecule within a crystal. Visit the Crystal Explorer website at the University of Western Australia for more information: http://www.theochem.uwa.edu.au/crystal_explorer
Some features of the software are outlined below:
Detailed Programme:
10:50 Elna Pidcock (CCDC) Taking a Broad View of Crystal Packing
11:25 Thomas Gelbrich (University of Southampton) Supramolecular Constructs - Unbiased Descriptors of Crystal Packing
Lunch & Exhibition (12:00-13:00) plus AGM: CCG (12:00-12:30)
13:50 German Sastre (University of Valencia) Ring Topology and Strain in Zeolites
14:30 Caroll Johnson (ORNL) Orbifolded Thermal Motion Critical Net Topology
Tea & Exhibition (15:10-15:25)
15:25 Topology Workshop
Close (16:45)
Parallel Session: Crystallisation & Polymorphism
Wednesday 5 April, 13:50 - 15:10, 15:40 - 16:30
Chairs: Roy Copley (GSK) and Anne Kavanagh (AstraZeneca)
Detailed Programme
14:30 Sally Price (UCL) - Progress and Problems in Computational Prediction of Crystallisation and Polymorphism
Tea & Exhibition (15:10-16:00)
15:40 Terry Threlfall (University of Southampton) - Growing Crystals: Growing Polymorphs (and Some Thoughts on Crystal Growth)
16:05 Caroline Day (GSK) - Polymorph Screening by Automated Techniques
Close (16:30)
Parallel Session: Charge Density
Thursday 6 April, 10:15 - 12:30
Chair: Dr Mary Mahon (University of Bath)
Detailed Programme
10:50 Piero Macchi (University of Milan) - The XD Software Package for Charge Density Analysis
11:25 Sebastien Pillet (University of Nancy) - Electron Density of Metastable States
12:00 Paul Popelier (University of Manchester) - Quantum Chemical Topology
Lunch & Exhibition (12:30-13:30)
Parallel Session: Crystal Structures & Growth at the Nano-scale (joint with BACG)
Thursday 6 April, 10:15 - 12:30
Chair: Kevin Roberts (University of Leeds) & Richard Morris (Morris Analytical X-ray Ltd)
Detailed Programme
10:55 Kevin Roberts (University of Leeds) - Solution Phase Nucleation: Cluster Size & Shape and Its Correlation with Crystallisation Kinetics and Polymorph Selection
11:30 Moti Lal (Liverpool University) - Metal Nanocrystallites in Supercritical Fluids - the Solvation Process and Its Impact on the Nanostructure
12:10 Klimentina Pencheva (University of Leeds) - t.b.a.
Lunch & Exhibition (12:30-13:30)
Parallel Session: Getting the Most Out of Your Crystals
Thursday 6 April, 10:15 - 12:30
Chair: Richard Pauptit (AstraZeneca)
Detailed Programme
11:00 Torsten Neufiend ( ) - Improving Diffraction with the Free Mounting System
11:30 Elspeth Garman (University of Oxford) - Freezing Crystals
12:00 Julie Wilson (University of York)) - Crystal Edge Detection
Lunch & Exhibition (12:30-13:30)
Parallel Session: Powder Diffraction in Industry
Thursday 6 April, 13:30 - 15:30
Chairs: David Beveridge (Ilford Photo) & Judith Shackleton (University of Manchester)
This session will start with the presentation of an Industrial Group Award to Professor Paul Fewster by the Chairman of the BCA Industrial Group.
Detailed Programme
13:40 Paul Fewster (PANalytical) - "It's All in the Detail"
14:10 David Beveridge (Ilford Photo) - The Precipitation of Pigment Red 57:1 from Homogeneous Solution for X-Ray Powder Diffraction
14:35 Mary Vickers (University of Cambridge) - X-Ray Diffraction at Materials Science, Cambridge
Short Break (14:50-15:00)
15:00 Chris Staddon (University of Nottingham) - X-Ray Studies of Semiconductors Using The Panalytical X�pert Mrd
15:20 Andrew Hodge (BP) - Rocks and Catalysts - XRD in BP
15:40 Martin Gill (Museum of Natural History) - Clay Story... A Cautionary Tale
Tea (16:00-16:30)
Parallel Session: Crystal Engineering (joint with BACG)
Thursday 6 April, 13:15 - 15:45
Chairs: Nick Blagden (University of Bradford) & Kevin Roberts (University of Leeds)
Detailed Programme
13:15 Dario Braga (University of Bologna) - Making Crystals by Reacting and Transforming Crystals
13:40 Christer Aakeröy (Kansas State University) - Constructing Co-crystals with Molecular Sense and Supramolecular Sensibility
14:05 Jonathan Steed (University of Durham) - Anion Binding Venus� Flytraps and Tweezers
14:30 Chris Gilmore (University of Glasgow) - Snap: A New Way of Analysing the Results of Cambridge Data Base Searches and a New Tool for Crystal Engineering and Structure Prediction
14:55 Chris Sumby (University of Leeds) - Crystal Engineering with Derivatives of the Molecular Host Cyclotriveratrylene
15:20 Joshua Mckinnon (University of Western Australia) - Extensions of Hirshfeld Surface-based Tools: Decomposing Fingerprint Plots
Tea (15:45-16:00)
Workshop: Introduction to Protein Crystallography
Tuesday 4 April, 9.00 - 10:30
Organiser: Tony Savill (Molecular Dimensions Ltd)
The speakers, Alan D�Arcy and Terese Bergfors, will give a coordinated presentation on protein crystallisation for beginners.
Tuesday 4 April, Morning: 9.00 - 10:30, 11.00 - 12:00, Afternoon: 13:00 - 15:00, 15:30 - 17:15
A full one day XRPD workshop on phase identification.
Organisers: John Faber (ICDD), David Rendle (Consultant), & Dave Taylor (Consultant)
This is a modular workshop based on 4 distinct sessions which build to give a complete understanding of phase identification and its progression into quantitative analysis, culminating in a flexible hands on computer session to gain practical experience with real examples. The modular structure will allow delegates, on the basis of their experience, to dip in and out of sessions through the day giving the package something to offer everyone with an interest in phase identification.
Detailed Programme
Module 1: 09:00 - 10:30
Module 2: 11:00 - 12:00
Module 3: 13:00 - 15:00
Module 4: 15:30 - 17:15
Thursday 6 April, 13:30 - 16:00
Organiser: John Evans (University of Durham), assisted by Sarah Lister, Graham Stinton and Ivana Evans (University of Durham)
The PCG and CCG will be running a Topas-Academic workshop on the final afternoon of the BCA spring meeting 2006 at Lancaster University. Topas-Academic is a powerful software suite written by Alan Coelho which allows the analysis of both powder diffraction and single crystal diffraction data. Data from most laboratory/central facility diffractometers can be analysed. More features of the software are detailed below. Like many other software suites used by the academic community, it is available for academic use for a nominal fee (in this case 500 Euros) to help the developer cover distribution and program support costs.
The workshop will be run along similar lines to the successful ones previously organised on packages like Jana and Crystals. A very brief overview of the software and how to operate it will be given. Attendees will then be encouraged to work through examples in their own specific areas of interest. Expert tutors will be on hand to assist with any difficulties. We will endeavour to prepare tutorials of relevance to molecular/extended systems and of interest to biologists/chemists/physicists. You can also bring your own data along to play with.
Tea (16:00-16:30)
Spring Meeting Exhibitors' Forum
Tuesday 4 April, 17:15 - 18:30
Chair: Prof. Chick Wilson (University of Glasgow)
Following the success of the exhibitors' forum at the Spring Meeting last year, a similar event will be held again this year. The forum will provide each exhibitor with the opportunity to present their latest developments and encourage participants along to their stands in the commercial exhibition. It is serious, but entertaining and enlightening, and we encourage participants to provide a good audience for this valuable session, to be held on the opening day of the main meeting.
The following exhibitors have stands at the meeting:
Satellite Session: SR Users & Diamond SIG Meeting
Monday 3 April, 17:00 - 18:00
Chairs: Paul Raithby (University of Bath & SRS) & Mina Golshan (CCLRC)
Discussion of issues of interest to SRS and Diamond X-ray diffraction users. John Warren (SRS) and Harriott Nowell (Diamond) will give short presentations on recent developments of the single-crystal facilities.
Satellite Session: Synchrotron Chemical Crystallography for All
Tuesday 4 April, 10:45 - 12:15
Chair: Bill Clegg (University of Newcastle & SRS, Daresbury)
Detailed Programme
11:00 John Warren (SRS, Daresbury) - Updates to SMX @ the SRS
11:25 Sandy Blake (University of Nottingham) - Some Co-ordination Chemistry at the SRS
11:50 Alan Kennedy (Strathclyde University) - "Mony miekles mak a mucle"
Lunch & Registration (12:15-13:30)
Satellite Session: Hursthouse Event
Thursday 6 April, 16:30 - 18:30 & Friday 7 April, 9:00 - 11:30
Chair: Paul Raithby (University of Bath & SRS, Daresbury)
Detailed Programme
17:00 Martin Schr�der (University of Nottingham) - Assembly of Porous Framework Materials: With a Little Help from my Friends
17:30 Maria Carrondo and Teresa Duarte (ITQB, Lisbon, Portugal) - The Lisbon Connection: Crystallography and Friendship
18:00 Robert Shaw (Birkbeck College London) - A Tribute to Collaboration, Crystallography and Mike
18:30 Close
Detailed Programme (continued)
9:30 Bill Clegg (University of Newcastle) - The Use of Local, National and International Facilities in the Structural Study of Alkali Metal Complexes
Coffee (10:00-10:30)
10:30 Philip Gale (University of Southampton) - Molecular Recognition and Structural Chemistry of some New Anion Receptors
11:00 Paul Raithby (University of Bath) - t.b.a.