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BCA Spring Meeting
Lancaster University Tuesday 4 April to Thursday 6 April 2006 |
Parallel Session: High Pressures, Liquids and Surfaces
Tuesday 4 April, 14:00 - 15:30
Chair: Dr David Allan (Edinburgh)
This session will start with the presentation of the PANalytical thesis prize to Dominic Fortes.
Detailed Programme
14:00 Presentation Ceremony
14:05 Dominic Fortes (UCL) - Crystallisation of Ammonia Hydrates under High Pressure
14:25 Colin Pulham (University of Edinburgh) - Exploring Crystallisation Processes at High Pressures
14:46 Daniel Bowron (ISIS Facility, CCLRC) - Changing the Structure of Water using Pressure or Solute Species
15:08 Roy Wogelius (University of Manchester) - Crystallographic Controls on Biofilm Formation