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BCA Spring Meeting
Lancaster University Tuesday 4 April to Thursday 6 April 2006 |
Satellite Session: Hursthouse Event
Thursday 6 April, 16:30 - 18:30 & Friday 7 April, 9:00 - 11:30
Chair: Paul Raithby (University of Bath & SRS, Daresbury)
Detailed Programme
17:00 Martin Schr�der (University of Nottingham) - Assembly of Porous Framework Materials: With a Little Help from my Friends
17:30 Maria Carrondo and Teresa Duarte (ITQB, Lisbon, Portugal) - The Lisbon Connection: Crystallography and Friendship
18:00 Robert Shaw (Birkbeck) - A Tribute to Collaboration, Crystallography and Mike
18:30 Close
Detailed Programme (continued)
9:30 Bill Clegg (Newcastle University) - The Use of Local, National and International Facilities in the Structural Study of Alkali Metal Complexes
Coffee (10:00-10:30)
10:30 Philip Gale (University of Southampton) - Molecular Recognition and Structural Chemistry of some New Anion Receptors
11:00 Paul Raithby (University of Bath) - t.b.a.