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Notes on the use and layout of the IG Web pages.The aim of these pages is to provide information about the Indu strial Group in an efficient way, consequently simple pages with a limited number of small images are used to make the information speedily available to a wide range of Browsers. Navigation has been simplified by grouping information into
categories that can be accessed from the top navigation bar which
appears on most pages. A small button The information stored in the Industrial Group pages can be retrieved in a number of ways. The home page has direct links in three columns to most information, with the latest information on meetings and news near the top of the page. The Navigation bar will take you to index pages for specific headings from pages within the site. In many cases there are several links to the same information. E.g. a meeting notice can always be found via the Meeting Index and also fro m a particular Newsletter (sometimes from consecutive Newsletters) In many cases a page will have more than the one article of interest(often grouped by year). It is sometimes best ( especially for Newsletters) to Navigate using the BACK arrow on your browser rather than the link back to the home page or sub index. Forthcoming Meetings links to the most up to the minute information on planned events and includes a latest news section Navigation Bar
This button takes you back to the Industrial Group Homepage. Note on the homepage the link is to the BCA home page.
: The IG publishes two paper Newsletters each year. These web pages try to emulate the Newsletter content (although existing web page notices are often used). An index of articles by subject and Author is also available. Articles for the Newsletter are always welcome for consideration and should be sent to the Secretary.
: gives links to all meetings arranged by the
Industrial Group since its inception.
: This section lists the group officers, constitution, membership scheme and gives information for speakers at our meetings. Addresses given in the lists of officers are those at the time of their service and in many cases are no longer valid. If you need current contact information try more recent lists or the BCA Admin Office.
: This section compiles all the technical articles in the Newsletters since 1995. Contributions to this section are always welcome!
: This section contains information about Industrial Group Awards and Alun Bowen Lectures. Reports, Awards, Notices etc: These are for the most part self-explanatory, the Chair report gives an overview of the years activities.
: This lists all the htm files on the site and links to a list of updates made to the site. |