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January 2000 - techniques

Library of Excel Routines

The Industrial Group has set up a library of Spreadsheet routines running on Microsoft Excel. The library was launched at the Autumn meeting with over ten routines available for demonstration.

If you have developed a routine you wish to share then please e-mail a copy to [email protected]

The first release was made available for download on 19 Jan 2000.

DOWNLOAD All THE FILES in a single 445kb zip file or just the individual files you require by using the links below.

The following routines are available in the first release:

Application      Author     Description of application


File link

Calculation      DJ Taylor  Simple demo of conversion between d<>2Theta

Bragg.xls 15kb  
Education M Taylor 2D Fourier calculation for Potassium Bicarbonate kbic2000.zip
Calculation DJ Taylor Calculates DI list from 2theta values and raw counts, converts fixed to variable slit intensities dicalc.xls 21kb
Search aid DJ Taylor Implementation of manual search match sheet - with example mansearch.xls 56kb
Extract/plot S Norval Read and display a diffraction scan (or part scan) from a Siemens/Bruker .RAW file scanplot101.xls 209kb plus silicate.RAW 110k Demo data
Extract/plot S Norval Read and display selected diffraction scans from a Siemens/Bruker multi-scan .RAW file diffranges101.xls 209kb plus silicate.RAW 110k Demo data
Correct/Plot S Norval Examples of 'Basals' to display multiple basal spacing orders on a Siemens/Bruker .RAW scan with Lorenz Polarisation correction basals101.xls 257kb plus surfstearate.RAW 13kb Demo data
Calculation I Walker A single line calculation of size and strain Snglinesizstrn.xls 42kb
Data Corr S Norval Zero offset from two orders of a reflection, applied to variable temperature XRD zerooffset.xls 56kb
Calculation Langford/ Zero Offset and sample height error calculation Phlaumer zssdtest.xls 80kb
Data Corr Polkowski Corrects all d spacings in data to a user defined known d spacing Zeropoint.xls 59kb
Calculation DJ Taylor Calculates the film thickness of a single layer from interference fringes filmthik.xls 47kb
Calculation DJ Taylor Calculates the x-ray penetration in a specimen for common tube types xrdpenetr.xls 63kb
Conversion DJ Taylor Converts Philips.jcp files to Philips.X01 Pcapdcon.xls 79kb plus 46uk3a.jcp 5k Demo data

Dave Taylor

Last updated 06-March-2006
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