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Industrial Group Meetings in 1997Meetings listed in this file are:
POWDER DIFFRACTION & COMPUTER SIMULATION OF PHARMACEUTICAL MATERIALSWednesday 19 March 1997 Glaxo-Wellcome, StevenageProgramme:10.00 Coffee and Registration 10.30 Prof. Kevin Roberts, Heriot-Watt 11.10 Prof. Kenneth Harris, Birmingham 11.50 Dr Frank Leusin, Molecular Simulations Inc. 12.20 Dr
Robin Payne, Zeneca 12.40 Prof. Roger Davey 1.00 Lunch 2.00 Dr Simon Clarke, Daresbury Laboratory 2.40 Dr Derk Reefman, Philips Research 3.00 Dr Steve Norval, ICI Wilton 3.20 Dr Steve Maginn 3.40 Miss Sue Staniforth, Glaxo-Wellcome 4.00 Tea and departure For further details contact Dr Jamshed Anwar (see committee addresses) Jamshed Anwar Provisional program at Leeds BCA Annual meetingThe Alun Bowen Industrial Lecture will be delivered by Prof.Paul Barnes. His Lecture will be entitled: "Cine-crystallography Plus"There are two sessions a diffractometer clinic. and an AGM Tuesday afternoon - 15 April 1997 Session 1: Diffraction Plus... Simultaneous Methods. Speakers arranged include: Dr Helen Gleeson (Department of Physics, The University of Manchester) "Simultaneous x-ray and Raman scattering studies of liquid crystals" Dr Ian Hanley (Chemistry Department, The University of Leeds) "Correlating material properties of polymer with structure: a new rheometer for x-ray scattering studies" Dr Tony Ryan (UMIST Materials Science Centre) "SAXS and WAXS during polymer fibre spinning" Further offers of con tributions and enquiries may be addressed to the session organiser: Dr C D Adam Physics Division Staffordshire University College Road Stoke on Trent ST4 2DE. Telephone: 01782 294679 Fax: 01782 744506 email address: [email protected] Session 2: Process & Production Applications of Diffraction This session aims to take in a range of activity from on-line measurement (taking the technique to the process) through to laborato ry studies, with off-line production analysis on the way. Speakers provisionally arranged include: Mr Reinhard Beilman (Hermann Milke, Germany)"Automated x-ray diffraction analysis in cement production" Mrs Mary Halliwell (Philips) "The role of x-ray diffraction in optoelectronic device production" Mr Colin Small (Rolls-Royce) "Texture in titanium for fan blade manufacture" Dr Christopher Frampton (Hoffmann-La Roche) "Polymorphism and phase analysis in relation to pharmaceutical development" Further offers of contributions and enquiries may be addressed to the session organiser: Dr Steve Norval ICI Research & Technical Centre D129 PO. Box 90 Wilton Middlesbrough TS90 8JE Telephone: 01642 432005 Fax. 01642 437490 email address: [email protected] A Diffractomet er Alignment and Sensitivity Clinic 14.30 - 16.30 Wednesday 16 April 1997 9.30 - 13.00 Thursday 17 April 1997 Topics:
Clinic Director: Dr Ron Jenkins, ICDD Registration: 50 pounds (includes a free copy copy of Dr Jenkin s' book 'An introduction to X-ray powder diffractometry'). The clinic is limited to 30 people. Early application is advised. For further information contact the session organiser: Dr Jamshed Anwar Department of Pharmacy King's College London Manresa Road London SW3 6LX. Tel: 0171 333 4782 Fax: 0171 351 5307 email: [email protected] THE 13TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Industrial Group will be held at The Un iversity of Leeds on 15 April 1997. Nominations are sought for the following Officer and Committee vacancies:
The address of The Secretary is: 44 Penymynydd Road, Penyffordd, Chester CH4 0LQ. Workshop on Diffraction at Elevated TemperaturePilkington Technology Centre 4 June 1997A one-day workshop is planned covering diffraction studi es at elevated temperature in the industrial laboratory. It is aimed at existing Industrial users and those interested in the potential of the technique. Given sufficient user demand a Special Interest Group will be formed with annual meetings on this topic. The day will start with an overview of the technique followed by a review of commercially available equipment. Users of custom hardware will describe their systems. A round table discussion will allow participants to air their views and discuss problems. The following discussion topics will be covered: -
If you are prepared to give a short presentation about your system please contact :- D J Taylor D [email protected]Dave Taylor INDUSTRIAL GROUP AUTUMN MEETING 97The Use of XRD in Industrial Problem Solving6th November 1997, Cranfield University, Swindon
Further details are available from: Dr. K D Rogers Cranfield Centre for Medical Sciences, Cranfield University (RMCS), Shrivenham, Swindon SN6 8 LA Tel:01793 785399 Fax:01793 785774 Email:[email protected] |