Industrial Group meetings in 2001Meetings listed in this file are:
BCA Spring Meeting 2001.University of Reading, 7-10 April 2001Industrial Group PostersPosters are invited for display at the Spring Meeting. As an extra incentive to your participation, in addition to the acclaim that your poster will no doubt bring, the Industrial Group are offering a magnificent prize of £50 for best poster. Some guidelines follow for what we would prefer to see in our po sters and our adjudicators will work from these. Posters are encouraged that:
There will be an opportunity to give a brief oral presentation of the content of each poster. For more i nformation, contact: Steve Norval, ICI plc, Science Support Group,
Tuesday 10th April, 9:00 - 12:30 The programme highlights some aspects of instrumentation and methodology in powder diffraction that have seen recent advances and explores what we should expect to see in the future. Session Chair: Chris Frampton 09:00 Line Broadening Analysis, Yesterday and Tomorrow Rob Delhez, Delft University of
09:45 New Developments with t
he PDF Database John Faber, ICDD
10:30 Coffee 11:00 Rietveld Refinement: Past, Present, and Future
Possibilities Jeremy Cockcroft, Birkbeck
11:30 The X'Celerator: a breakthrough in powder
diffraction Anna Widdowson, Philips
12:00 Hardware &am
p; Software Innovations Arnt Kern, Bruker AXS
12:30 Close of Session For more information, contact: Steve Norval, ICI plc, Science Support Group, � Industrial Group AGMThe 17th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Industrial Group will be held at the University of Reading on 10th April 2001. Nominations are sought for the position of chairman and for two committee members to serve for three years from April 2001. Nominations, which shall be proposed by not less than two members of the Group and shall be accompanied by the written consent of the nominee, shall be sent to reach the Honorary Secretary of the Group not later th an seven days before the Annual General Meeting. The Honorary Secretary is: Dr P Holdway, A7 BLDG, DERA, Farnbourough, Hants, GU14 0LX. Tel. 01252 393117/392159, fax. 01252 397223, email: [email protected]. Pharmaceutical SIG meeting.7th June 2001, GlaxoSmithKline, HarlowREGISTRATION DEADLINE - 31 MAY 2001Registration FormProgramme: 09.
45 Arrival & Registration
Tea and Coffee available
10.20 Welcoming Remarks 10.30 Automated Solutions to High Throughput Crystal
Screening. Paul Higginson, Pfizer
11.10 Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Paracetamol
Polymorphs. Sally Price, UCL
11.50 On-Line Monitoring of Solid-State Form during
sations by Raman Spectroscopy. Clare Anderton,
12.30 Buffet Lunch 13.45 High Throughput X-Ray Powder Diffraction in Polymorph
Discovery. Arjen van Langevelde,
14.25 DASH-tastic Adventures with the Bruker-D8. Alastair Florence, Dept of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, U of S
15.05 Temperature and Humidity Controlled X-Ray Diffraction
Analysis on 4-Epi-Oxytetracycline. Detlef Beckers, Philips
15.35 X-Ray Rapid Screening System for Combinatorial
Chemistry. Chris Weston,
16.05 Tea and Departure For more information please contact: Dr C L Anderton Autumn Meeting -Crystallography in IndustryThursday 1st November 2000 - Pilkington, Lathom, LancashireRegistration Form09:30 Optional visit to the
Pilkington Exhibition Area
< p>10:00 Registration & Coffee 10:30 Welcome and Introduction Jack Brettle, Head of Science
Support, Pilkington
10:40 Crystallography and X-ray Reflectometry at
Pilkington Mark Farnworth,
11:05 GADD Sir! 21st Century Tools of the Trade
- Applications of XRPD in the Characterisation of
maceuticals Anne Kavanagh, AstraZeneca,
11:30 XRD Studies on the Thermal Stability of
Electrodeposited Nanocrystalline Nickel Matthias Abraham, University of
12:00 Microstructure and Performance of Materials. Keith Rogers, Cranfield
12:30 Lunch and optional visit to the Exhibition Area 14:00 Presentation of an Industrial Group Award to Ian Langford 14:10 Award Lecture - Zinc Oxide Ian Langford, Honorary Senior
Research Fellow, Birmingham University
14:50 Applications of XRD in the Imaging Industry David Beveridge, ILFORD Imaging
UK Ltd
15:15 Glass Content of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace
Slag Ian Slipper, University of
15:40 Standards for Line Profile Analysis Steve Norval, ICI plc.
16:00 Close & Tea The Pilkington Exhibition area is well worth a visit. The 9:30 option will suit those people staying overnigh t in local hotels. The exhibition covers glass manufacture and the innovative use of glass in a diverse range of products. For further information please contact: |