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Industrial Group meetings in 2001

Meetings listed in this file are:

BCA Spring Meeting 2001.

University of Reading, 7-10 April 2001

Industrial Group Posters

Posters are invited for display at the Spring Meeting. As an extra incentive to your participation, in addition to the acclaim that your poster will no doubt bring, the Industrial Group are offering a magnificent prize of £50 for best poster.

Some guidelines follow for what we would prefer to see in our po sters and our adjudicators will work from these.

Posters are encouraged that:

  • are relevant to industry (including some background and value of the work to industry)
  • have clear aims, results and conclusions
  • concentrate on telling the story, rather than fine detail
  • are not an advertisement for a commercial product

There will be an opportunity to give a brief oral presentation of the content of each poster.

For more i nformation, contact:

Steve Norval, ICI plc, Science Support Group,
Wilton Centre, PO Box 90, Wilton, Middlesbrough TS90 8JE,
tel. 01642 432005, fax. 01642 432244, email: [email protected].

  1. Basic Powder Diffraction Workshop
  2. Sunday 8th April, all day - Monday 9th April, am.

    Thi s one and a half day course has been constructed with a special concern for the many people now working in X-ray Powder Diffraction who are relatively new to the field. There are no special pre-requisites for taking part, other than a general technical background, but a little hands-on experience of XRPD would help.

    The workshop is divided into three parts:

    Introduction to Crystallography 09:00 - 12:30 8th April
    Jeremy K. Cockcroft, Birkbeck College London

    This session will cover the basic crystallographic principles underpinning powder diffraction with emphasis on the factors that determine the position and intensities of the peaks in a powder pattern. In addition, some of the crystallographic factors affecting profile line shape will also be discussed.
    A brief overview of crystallographic symmetry and its affect on powder data will be covered. Having dealt with the basic principles, we will then discuss the principles and practice of indexing, unit cell refinement, and space group determination of our powder diffraction data.

    Powder Diffraction Instruments 14:00 - 17:30 8th April
    Judith Shackleton, Manchester Materials Science Centre

    In this session we will investigate powder diffraction geometry. We look at the various components of the diffractometer, what they do, how they work and how we make the optimum choices.
    We will also, discuss the choice of X-ray tubes, the ano de and tube focus as well as the characteristics of various types of detectors. The selection of data collection conditions (step size, counting time etc) and the importance of good sample preparation will also be described.

    Phase Identification 09:00 - 12:30 9th April
    John Faber, International Centre for Diffraction Data

    This session will give an overview of the history of phase identification and the development of the ICDD powder diffraction file ( PDF). Methods of identification and characterisation of crystalline substances by use of the PDF will be covered. The importance of gathering good quality data and the use of new computer aided search methods will be demonstrated. The content is designed for both beginners and experienced users of the Powder Diffraction File.

    For further information, please contact:

    Dave Taylor, 35 Birchley Road, Billinge, Wigan, Lancs. WN5 7QJ
    tel. 01744 893108, email: djtayl [email protected]

  3. Why Industry Uses Crystallography

    Monday 9th April, pm

    Crystallography has wide application in many of our manufacturing industries. This session will give a series of overviews of the value that crystallography brings to a selection of these industries. While we hope these surveys will be interesting in their own right, we also intend that they spark some ideas across traditional industrial boundari es.

    The Session Chair is Steve Norval and will begin with:

    The Alun Bowen Industrial Lecture

    13:30 'Crystallography in the Aerospace Industry'
    Colin Small, Rolls Royce

    Followed by:

    Applications of Crystallography in the Phamaceutical Industry
    14:20 Proteins, David Brown, Pfizer
    14:40 Small Molecules, Royston Copley, GlaxoSmithKline

    15:00 X-ray Diffraction in the Miner als Industry,Nick Elton, St Austell

    15:30 Close of Session

    For more information, contact:

    Steve Norval, ICI plc, Science Support Group,
    Wilton Centre, PO Box 90, Wilton, Middlesbrough TS90 8JE,
    tel. 01642 432005, fax. 01642 432244, email: [email protected].

  4. New & Future Possibilities in Powder Diffraction

Tuesday 10th April, 9:00 - 12:30

The programme highlights some aspects of instrumentation and methodology in powder diffraction that have seen recent advances and explores what we should expect to see in the future.

Session Chair: Chris Frampton

09:00 Line Broadening Analysis, Yesterday and Tomorrow

Rob Delhez, Delft University of Technology

09:45 New Developments with t he PDF Database

John Faber, ICDD

10:30 Coffee

11:00 Rietveld Refinement: Past, Present, and Future Possibilities

Jeremy Cockcroft, Birkbeck College

11:30 The X'Celerator: a breakthrough in powder diffraction

Anna Widdowson, Philips Analytical

12:00 Hardware &am p; Software Innovations

Arnt Kern, Bruker AXS Gmbh

12:30 Close of Session

For more information, contact:

Steve Norval, ICI plc, Science Support Group,
Wilton Centre, PO Box 90, Wilton, Middlesbrough TS90 8JE,
tel. 01642 432005, fax. 01642 432244, email: [email protected].

Industrial Group AGM

The 17th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Industrial Group will be held at the University of Reading on 10th April 2001.

Nominations are sought for the position of chairman and for two committee members to serve for three years from April 2001.

Nominations, which shall be proposed by not less than two members of the Group and shall be accompanied by the written consent of the nominee, shall be sent to reach the Honorary Secretary of the Group not later th an seven days before the Annual General Meeting.

The Honorary Secretary is: Dr P Holdway, A7 BLDG, DERA, Farnbourough, Hants, GU14 0LX. Tel. 01252 393117/392159, fax. 01252 397223, email: [email protected].

Pharmaceutical SIG meeting.

7th June 2001, GlaxoSmithKline, Harlow


Registration Form


09. 45 Arrival & Registration Tea and Coffee available

10.20 Welcoming Remarks

10.30 Automated Solutions to High Throughput Crystal Screening.

Paul Higginson, Pfizer

11.10 Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Paracetamol Polymorphs.

Sally Price, UCL

11.50 On-Line Monitoring of Solid-State Form during Crystalli sations by Raman Spectroscopy.

Clare Anderton, GlaxoSmithKline

12.30 Buffet Lunch

13.45 High Throughput X-Ray Powder Diffraction in Polymorph Discovery.

Arjen van Langevelde, Crystallics

14.25 DASH-tastic Adventures with the Bruker-D8.

Alastair Florence, Dept of Pharmaceutical Sciences, U of S trathclyde

15.05 Temperature and Humidity Controlled X-Ray Diffraction Analysis on 4-Epi-Oxytetracycline.

Detlef Beckers, Philips Analytical

15.35 X-Ray Rapid Screening System for Combinatorial Chemistry.

Chris Weston, BrukerAXS

16.05 Tea and Departure

For more information please contact:

Dr C L Anderton
GlaxoSmithKline, New Frontiers Science Park (North), Third Avenue, Harlow, Essex CM19 5AW Tel: 01279 627376 Fax: 01279 627374 Email: [email protected]

Autumn Meeting -Crystallography in Industry

Thursday 1st November 2000 - Pilkington, Lathom, Lancashire

Registration Form
09:30 Optional visit to the Pilkington Exhibition Area
< p>10:00 Registration & Coffee

10:30 Welcome and Introduction

Jack Brettle, Head of Science Support, Pilkington

10:40 Crystallography and X-ray Reflectometry at Pilkington

Mark Farnworth, Pilkington

11:05 GADD Sir! 21st Century Tools of the Trade - Applications of XRPD in the Characterisation of Phar maceuticals

Anne Kavanagh, AstraZeneca, Macclesfield

11:30 XRD Studies on the Thermal Stability of Electrodeposited Nanocrystalline Nickel

Matthias Abraham, University of Oxford.

12:00 Microstructure and Performance of Materials.

Keith Rogers, Cranfield University

12:30 Lunch and optional visit to the Exhibition Area

14:00 Presentation of an Industrial Group Award to Ian Langford

14:10 Award Lecture - Zinc Oxide

Ian Langford, Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Birmingham University

14:50 Applications of XRD in the Imaging Industry

David Beveridge, ILFORD Imaging UK Ltd
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15:15 Glass Content of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag

Ian Slipper, University of Greenwich

15:40 Standards for Line Profile Analysis

Steve Norval, ICI plc.

16:00 Close & Tea

The Pilkington Exhibition area is well worth a visit. The 9:30 option will suit those people staying overnigh t in local hotels. The exhibition covers glass manufacture and the innovative use of glass in a diverse range of products.

For further information please contact:
Ms J Shackleton, Manchester Materials Science Centre, Grosvenor Street, Manchester M1 7HS
Tel: 0161 200 3581 Fax: 0161 200 3586 Email: [email protected]

Last updated 26 August 2002
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