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The Industrial Group are pleased to announce a second Industrial Group Forum to be held over two days in London.

Industrial Crystallography Forum II - Programme

Birkbeck College, London - 13th & 14th November 2003

Delegate Information - including postal problems and Sponsors.

WEB REGISTRATION Last minute places are still availableLOCAL ACCOMMODATION & VENUE MAPS

Meeting Fees: £50 (£25 concessions) – Non member supplements apply.

Meeting Abstracts ...a link to abstracts page

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Joint sessions and all "A" parallel sessions are in the Clore Lecture Theatre in the Clore Management Building.
"B" Parallel sessions are in the Glaxo-Wellcome Lecture Theatre in Crystallography Department.
The Evening Session is in the Main Lecture Theatre, SOAS (just behind Birkbeck).

Thursday 13th November

10.00����������� Registration: Outside the Clore Lecture Theatre


11.00 – 12.30���Opening Session - Non Ambient Diffraction + Amorphous Pharmaceuticals

11:00 In Situ Diffraction from Materials and Macromolecules under Microwave Irradiation. – Andrew Harrison, University of Edinburgh

11.30 Non-ambient Laboratory Powder Diffraction Studies - Synthesis, Kinetics and Phase Transitions – John Evans, University of Durham

12.00 A review of methods use to quantify amorphous content in "crystals" – Graham Buckton, The School of Pharmacy, University of London.

12.30�� LUNCH – a buffet lunch will be provided outside the Clore Lecture Theatre

14.00 – 15.15�� PARALLEL SESSIONS

A. Pharmaceuticals - Non Ambient applications in the Clore Lecture Theatre B. Crystallography in Materials Science in the Glaxo-Wellcome Lecture Theatre
14:00 Relative Humidity Controlled X-ray Powder Diffraction – Brett Cooper, Merck Sharpe &Dohme 14:00 Use of Intense Radiation Sources in the study of Functional Materials – Paul Barnes, Birkbeck College
14:25 Beyond Isostructurality – Structural Similarity, Dissimilarity and Representation – Terry Threlfall, University of Southampton 14:25 Standardless phase quantification of industrial coatings – Susan Etok (Keith Rogers), RMCS Cranfield University
14:50 Polymorphism Induced by High Pressure – Simon Parsons, The University of Edinburgh 14:50 Understanding Gear Performance with X-ray Diffraction – Brian Shaw, University of Newcastle

15:15 Tea outside the Clore Lecture Theatre.

15.45 – 17:00�� PARALLEL SESSIONS

A. Pharmaceuticals - Polymorphism & Case Studies in the Clore Lecture Theatre B. Non Ambient Applications in the Glaxo-Wellcome Lecture Theatre
15:45 Polymorphic Drugs Science, Fashion or Valuable Products – Chris Frampton, Bruker Nonius B.V., Oostsingel 209, 2612 HL Delft, The Netherlands 15:45 Building your own furnace for HT-XRD – Gopinathan Sankar, Royal Institution
16:10 Polymorphism Studies in the Pharmaceutical Industry: The importance of medium and low throughput characterisation in a high throughput world – Dan Cowell, Pharmorphix Limited 16:10 Using High temperature X-ray diffraction within steel/aluminum production: look where the action is! – Stefan Melzer, Corus the Netherlands
16:35 Thermal Transformations - case studies – Ron Roberts, AstraZeneca 16:35 Inconstant Catalysts – Steve Norval, ICI plc

17:00 Adjourn for Evening programme in the Main Lecture Theatre, SOAS (just behind Birkbeck)

17:45�Introduction to Ron Jenkins Memorial Lecture – Steve Norval, ICI plc (standing in for Dave Taylor)

18:00 Ron Jenkins Memorial Lecture:
New developments in powder diffraction at the Natural History Museum: applications using fast detectors and high– brightness sources – Gordon Cressey, Natural History Museum

Friday 14th November

9.30 ��� Industrial Group Award Lecture in the Clore Lecture Theatre:
Adventures in Crystallography in the Gas Turbine Industry. Colin Small, Rolls-Royce plc

10:30 Coffee outside the Clore Lecture Theatre

11.00 – 12.30�� PARALLEL SESSIONS������

A. Pharmaceuticals – Amorphous Materials in the Clore Lecture Theatre B. Industrial Applications in the Glaxo-Wellcome Lecture Theatre
11:00 Structural characteristics of the amorphous phase: A computer modelling approach.– Stephen Watt, Pfizer. 11:00 Microstructural Characterisation of Advanced Materials Using Electron BackScattered Diffraction.�– Phil Holdway, QinetiQ
11:30 Application of Dynamic Mechanical Analysis in the Characterisation of Amorphous Powders – Paul Royall, Kings College London 11:30 XRD and Reflectivity Measurements in the Glass Industry. – Mark Farnworth, Pilkington plc.
12:00 The use of Thermally Stimulated Current Spectroscopy in the study of amorphous and polymorphic materials – Susan Barker, University of East Anglia 12:00 Applications of XRD in the Imaging Industry. – David Beveridge, Ilford Ltd

12.30�� LUNCH – a buffet lunch will be provided outside the Clore Lecture Theatre

14:00 – 15:30 Instrumentation - Past, Present and Future

14.00 Past – "Who Controls The Past Controls The Future" – Professor Alan L. Mackay, FRS. Birkbeck College.

14.30 Present –It's a Diffractometer Captain but Not as We Know It – Judith Shackleton, Manchester Materials Science Centre.

15.00 Future – Alun Bowen Lecture, – Structural Engineering Studies Using High Energy X-Ray Diffraction – Alexander Korsunsky, Oxford University, Dept. of Engineering Science

15.30�� Tea & Close

Meeting Sponsors

The Industrial Group gratefully acknowledge the meeting sponsors. (Click on the logo to visit their sites)
The meeting sponsors confirmed so far are;
Buker logo       PANalytical logo       Pfizer logo       Oxford Cryosysyems logo       RigakuMSC logo.

Last updated: 12-November-2003
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