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Maps & Hotel Information


By listing these hotels the meeting organisers in no way recommend or endorse them. It is up to yourself to find accommodation suitable for your needs.

The information quoted is correct at the time of posting. However things change and mistakes are made so you should check the details with the hotel at the time of booking.

There are lots of hotels in London and many offer reduced rates in the Autumn. There are also lots of agencies providing accommodation in London. Try a search for "London Hotel Bloomsbury" in Google!

Imperial Hotels
A Group of Six hotels.
Reservations: +44 (0)20 7278 7871/2/3
Nearest to the venue is the Tavistock hotel, Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9EU
Tel: +44 (0)20 7636 8383
Single: �61 (Price includes English Breakfast and VAT.)
Double / Twin: �82 (Price includes English Breakfast and VAT.)

Travel Inn Euston Room Rate �82.95
London Euston Travel Inn Capital,1 Dukes Road, London WC1H 9PJ
Tel: 0870 238 3301 Fax: 020 7554 3419

IBIS Euston Room Rate �79.95
3 Cardington Street
Tel : (+44)207/3887777
Fax : (+44)207/3880001


Area map showing the Birkbeck College venue and approximate positions of local hotels.
NOTE: Registration is in the Birkbeck Building!

bbkmap2 (37K)

Finding the Meeting Rooms
In the building outline map around Birkbeck below:
Building 1:The Glaxo-Wellcome Lecture Theatre in Crystallography
bbkmap3 (28K)

Other maps can be found on the Birkbeck college site at: http://www.bbk.ac.uk/bbk/maps.html

or on Multimap at "http://uke.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?pc=WC1E+7HX&title=Birkbeck+University+of+London"

Last updated 11-October-2004
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