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Dorothy Hodgkin Prize & Lecture

Call for Nominations (4 May 2006)

The "Dorothy Hodgkin" prize was set up to commemmorate the work of the first British woman to win a Nobel prize for chemistry. It was first awarded on her 80th birthday, in 1991, when we were very pleased that she was well enough to travel to the BCA Easter Annual meeting in Sheffield to present it herself. The photo below shows (left to right) Durward Cruickshank, the 1st prize winner, Dorothy Hodgkin, and Bob Diamond, the BCA president at that time. It was taken by John Squire, the editor of "Crystallography News", at the prize giving ceremony in Sheffield.

The prize is awarded every three years by a sub-committee of the BCA Council. Eligibility is not subject to any restrictions of age, nationality, past or present places of work.

The prize winner gives a "Dorothy Hodgkin Lecture" at the BCA Annual Spring Meeting at which the prize is awarded.

The prize money comes from the interest on donations to the "Dorothy Hodgkin Prize Fund" administered by the BCA. Further donations to the fund are welcome at any time, so please contact the BCA Treasurer for information or make a donation when you pay your BCA membership fee.

Dorothy Hodgkin Prize Winners

The list below gives the date, winner's name, and location of the meeting at which the prize was awarded. It may be followed by the title of the winner's lecture; some of the lectures have been summarised in Crystallography News.

Note: there was no prize and lecture in 2003 due to the Max Perutz Memorial Lecture at the BCA meeting in York.

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