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Founding of the BCA

People involved in the founding of the BCA

The working party which organised the setting up of the BCA included: D. M. Blow, D. W. J. Cruickshank, A. C. Skapski, S. C. Wallwork, and A. J. C.Wilson.

Founder members

Founder members each paid at least �100 ( nominally as a ten year membership fee) to the BCA to set up starting funds to enable the association to function until it could collect futher membership fees.

There were 23 Founder members who signed their names on 6 April 1982, but Founder member status was held open until the end of the year after the Inauguration of the BCA on 6 April 1982 (minute 5 of the first BCA Council 7/4/1982). According to the archives, there were 52 Founder members a year later. The original signed list has 49 recognisable names, plus 2 more that are indecipherable, so possibly one more Founder member paid up after the March 1983 edition (issue 4) of Crystallography News with the number 51 went to press. (Information supplied by David Blow & Kate Crennell.)

We are trying to collect their names together here, please let us know of mistakes in the list below, particularly if you are aware of Founder members whose names are not in the list. So far we have (in alphabetical order of surname):

There are two other names in the Minute book whose handwriting is difficult to decipher, they may be P. H. Spragg and J. Tilling.

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