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Notice & Agenda for the BCA Annual General Meeting 1998


Notice has already been given (in the December 1997 issue 63 of Crystallography News) that
the Annual General Meeting of the British Crystallography Association
will be held on
Tuesday 7th April 1998 at 5.00 p.m.
in the Physics Building
University of St Andrews

At this meeting we shall elect a President and a Treasurer. The following nominations have been received:

For President:

Prof. Michael Glazer, proposed Dr Steve Maginn, seconded Dr Hilary Muirhead

For Treasurer:

Dr Steve Maginn, proposed Dr Leo Brady, seconded Dr Sandy Blake

There being only one nomination for each post, these candidates will be declared duly elected at the meeting.

There is one vacancy for an Ordinary Member of Council. Nominations are invited for this post. Each nomination requires a proposer and a seconder and an agreement in writing that the nominee has consented to stand for election. Nominee, proposer and seconder should all be current BCA members. Nominations should be sent to the Secretary as soon as possible to arrive before 24th March 1998.


  1. Approval of Agenda
  2. Apologies for Absence
  3. Minutes of the last AGM [published in the June 1997 issue 61 of Crystallography News]
  4. Secretary's Report to the Council [published in the March 1998 issue 64 of Crystallography News]
  5. Amendments to the Statutes and By-Laws [see the March 1998 issue 64 of Crystallography News]
  6. Report of the Treasurer
  7. Presentation of the Accounts for 1997 and Examining Accountant's Report
  8. Election of Officers and Ordinary Members of Council
  9. Appointment of Examining Accountant for 1998
  10. Any other Business

(It would be helpful if items for inclusion under 2 and 10 of the Agenda could be notified to the Secretary before the meeting)

Hilary Muirhead
(Hon. Secretary)
4 February 1998

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