Proposed changes to the Statutes and By-Laws of the
British Crystallographic Association
for consideration at the 1999 Annual General Meeting

The BCA Statutes and By laws were last published in 'Crystallography News' March 96 issue 56 page 10; they are stored on the World Wide Web at URL

Council proposes to change section E of the BCA Statutes
(Officers, Council and Trustees)
to reflect the following:

These changes will be brought before the AGM of the BCA to be held at Glasgow in August 1999. If agreed, they require a small change to By-Law E.1. (Nominations and Elections). It is proposed that all changes shall come into force from the year 2000.

The effect of these proposals in determining the election of Officers and Ordinary Members at Annual General Meetings is as follows:

Proposed new Statute E

E. Officers, Council and Trustees

1. The Officers of the Association shall be:
the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary and the Treasurer

2. The Council of the Association shall consist of the following:

    1. The Officers as defined in Statute E. 1.
    2. One Representative nominated by each Group of the Association approved under Statute B.4. or established under Statute D.4(f). Such Representatives must be members of the relevant Group Committee, duly elected at an Annual General Meeting of that Group.
    3. Three further Ordinary Members who shall be elected at Annual General Meetings of the Association
    4. Such further persons not exceeding four in number that the Council shall from time to time co-opt
    5. The immediate Past President who shall serve for one year following the end of his or her elected term of office as President as defined in Statute E.4(c).

3. Other Council activities
    1. Council shall seek to appoint suitable persons to act in certain capacities as shall be determined from time to time by Council. Such Appointees shall be in attendance at Meetings of the Council but shall not be entitled to vote unless they are also elected or co-opted under Statute E.2. Appointments shall be for fixed terms which may be renewed within overall limits to be determined by Council.
    2. Members of Council shall represent the Association on other bodies as determined by Council from time-to-time. The President shall normally represent the Association on the Scientific Unions Committee of the Royal Society ex officio.

4. Elections shall take place as follows:
    1. Elections of Officers and Ordinary Members shall take place at an Annual General Meeting of the Association.
    2. Each elected member of Council shall serve from the end of the Annual General Meeting at which the election took place until the end of the third Annual General Meeting following the election.
    3. The President shall normally serve for one three-year term only.
    4. No person shall serve more than two consecutive three-year terms in the same capacity.
    5. No person shall serve more than three consecutive three-year terms in any elected capacity.

5.Co-opted Members of Council shall serve as follows:
    1. For a fixed period not exceeding three years to be determined by Council at the time of the co-option.
    2. No person may be co-opted for more than nine consecutive years.

6.No person may be both an Officer and a Group Representative.

7.The Council may appoint custodial Trustees from time to time in whom shall be vested the title of all and any real property which may be acquired by or for the purposes of the Association and who shall enter into a deed of trust setting forth the purposes and conditions under which they hold the property in trust for the Society.

Proposed amendment to By-Law E.1.

Current version of first sentences:

Council shall consider the terms of office of its existing members, about half of whose terms will expire at each Annual General Meeting. It may then make nominations for each vacancy........

Proposed version of first sentences:

Council shall take account of the terms of office of its existing members and, if appropriate, may then make nominations for each vacancy.........

No other amendments to Nomination and Election procedures are proposed by Council

Page last updated 30 May 1999
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