UK University Departments

UK Institutions with interests in crystallography

There are several sections: Some of these places are also listed in other BCA files. Page last updated 20 Sept 00

Departments in Universities and other Higher Education Institutes

This page lists Departments with interesting crystallographic research which I have come across in tertiary educational establishments. Please let me know of any others.
BCA WebMaster ( [email protected])

University of Bristol Chemistry Department and Research
University of Cambridge
University of Durham - Crystallography group
University of Edinburgh for RASMOL a portable public domain Molecular display program particularly for proteins
University of Glasgow Chemistry Department
University of Leeds, structural biology group
University of London
  1. Birkbeck College Crystallography Department structure and modelling group
  2. Imperial College
    1. Biophysics Section , Blackett Laboratory
    2. Chemistry Department
  3. Institute of Cancer Research (Sutton), Biomolecular Structure Unit
  4. University College Dept of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the Biomolecular structure and modelling and the UCL-HBPLUS - Hydrogen Bond Calculator
University of Manchester - Structural Chemistry section
University of Oxford
  1. Clarendon Laboratory, Physics Dept.
  2. Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics and the Barton Group, software (FTP Service) - Licence is required for these
  3. Oxford Centre for Molecular Sciences
University of Reading - X-ray Crystallography Group
University of St Andrews
University of Sheffield study of Holliday junctions, the WWW Periodic Table database
University of York Protein Structure Group, Chemistry Dept

UK Government funded Institutions

Try starting from the Joint home page for all the UK research Coincils or the individual ones below.
Biotechnology and Biological Scienes Research Council, Swindon BBSRC
with details of Programs, Grants, Research Fellowships etc.
CLRC Central Research Laboratory of the Research Councils
Engineering and Physical Scienes Research Council, Swindon EPSRC
with details of
Medical Research Council MRC
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge

Research Institutions funded by others

Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre

Institutions ordered by geographic location

The institution is listed under the name of the region and then the nearest large town. The towns are in alphabetical order. They include commercial hardware and software vendors, but not related societies, such as the Royal Society,
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