BCA Commercial Page

Commercial Hardware, Software, Suppliers and Courses

This page gives access to information from commercial suppliers of:
  courses    hardware,   minerals   Services   software 
of interest to crystallographers available on the World Wide Web.

Please send news of any others to the BCA WebMaster ( [email protected]) Click here for more academic programs , or here for suppliers of educational materials. Most of the vendors of Computer Software will provide free demos and in some case free trial versions of the programs.
In addition to the list below:


Chemicals, Crystal growing, instrumentation

Computing hardware and software


Comercial Services

Page last updated 14 Aug 2000
BCA Home page WebMaster [email protected]

Disclaimer:  Please note that includion in this list merely means that the Webmaster has looked at a site at least once, it does not imply that the British Crystallographic Association reccommends their products. I would be happy to receive comments from users on these companies to add to this page.
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