Past BCA Meetings

Past BCA Meetings

Last updated 20 Dec 2000
This page lists past BCA meetings, fortcoming ones are in another page.

These meetings are listed for the convenience of members who may be arranging meetings in the future and need to refer to topics, dates, places, organisers of previos meetings.

Links to BCA pages should still be available, links to sites elswhere may have been deleted after the meeting was held.

The main list is in chronological order, earliest first, years available 19961997199819992000,  other summaries are


July 12, 1996
"The Dorothy Hodgkin Meeting" a scientific meeting to coincide with the publication of her complete works. The Royal Society, London,UK. [Prof J.A.K.Howard, "DCH Meeting" Chemistry Dept, University of Durham, DH1 3LE, UK tel: (0191) 374 4647 fax: (0191) 374 3745 email [email protected]] or you can see the Program on the Web, or Print the Registration Form. The BCA Council invites you to send in your nominations for the 1997 prize, and to make further donations to the Prize Fund.

July 22-25, 1996
Second International Conference on Borate Glasses, Crystals and Melts Abingdon, UK [Ms.Jill Costello (Borate Conference), Society of Glass technology, 20 Hallam Gate Road, SHEFFIELD, S10 5BT, UK
tel: +44 (0114) 266 3168 fax: +44 (0114) 266 5252 email:[email protected]]

September 15 - 21, 1996
BCA Summer School in Protein Crsytallography, Bath,[Dr Garry L Taylor, School of Biology & Biochemistry, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, UK. tel: +44 1225 826436 fax: +44 1225 826449 e-mail: [email protected] ]

September 17, 1996 (provisional)
Industrial Group One Day Workshop practical Reflectivity for Industry SWINDON,UK [Bruce Fox, Raychem Ltd, Farday Road, Dorcan, SWINDON, Wilts SN3 5HH tel: 01793 572 413 fax: 01793 420 128 email: [email protected] ]

November 7, 1996
Autumn Meeting of the BCA Industrial Group 'Crystallography in Industry', HARWELL, UK [Dr. Jo Jutson, BICC Cables Ltd, Wrexham Technology Centre, Wrexham, Clwyd LL14 9XP tel: 01978 662 467 fax: 01978 662 464]

November 14, 1996
Autumn Meeting of the CCG on Dynamic Crystallography. DARESBURY, UK [Dr Steve Andrews, ICI Research & Technology Centre, The Heath, RUNCORN, WA7 4QD email: [email protected]]

December 10, 1996
PCG Autumn meeting on High Resolution diffraction and topography, COVENTRY,U K [Dr Pam Thomas, Dept. of Physics, University of Warwick, COVENTRY, CV4 7AL email: [email protected]]

December 16, 1996
BSG Winter meeting on Crystallography of Complex Structures, St. John's College, OXFORD,UK [Dr Yvonne Jones, Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics, Rex Richards Building, South Parks Road, OXFORD OX1 2QU email; [email protected] fax: 01865 275182]


March 19, 1997
Powder Diffraction and Computer Simulation of Pharmaceutical Materials. STEVENAGE,UK [Dr J Anwar, tel: 0171 333 4782 fax: 0171 351 5307 email: [email protected]]

April 6-14, 1997
Sixth BCA Intensive Course in X-Ray Structural Amalysis, DURHAM, UK Click here for further details, and an Application Form. [Professor J.A.K.Howard, 'BCA/CCG Intensive Course', University of Durham, Chemistry Department, Durham DH1 3LE fax +44 (0)191 374 3745 email [email protected]]

April 14-18, 1997
BCA Annual Conference, LEEDS, UK [Dr. M.Thornton-Pett, School of Chemistry, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS32 9JT,UK]

June 4, 1997
Workshop on Diffraction at Elevated Temperatures. PILKINGTON TECHNOLOGY CENTRE, UK [David Taylor tel: 01695 54303 fax: 01695 54596 email: [email protected]]
September 1 - 6, 1997
CCP4 Refinement and Validation Workshop. YORK, UK [[email protected]]

September 8 - 18, 1997
Fifth Oxford Summer School on Neutron Scattering. Mansfield College, OXFORD,UK IUCr sponsored. [Organisers Prof B.T.M.Willis, Dr C.J.Carlile details via email: [email protected] or from [email protected]]

September 9-11, 1997
Fourth Northern UK Protein Structure Workshop. GALASHIELS, Scotland [Dr.Richard Pauptit, Protein Structure Laboratory, Zeneca Pharmaceuticals Mereside, Alderley Park, Macclesfield, SK10 4TG, Cheshire, UK Tel: +44 1625 516135 email: [email protected] ]

September 15, 1997
Repeat of 1997 Bragg lecture. Gordon Cox and the increasing Power of X-ray structure analysis. Royal Institution, LONDON, UK [Dr. Paul Raithby, tel: 01223 336323 email: [email protected]]

November 6, 1997
IG Winter meeting. The use of X-ray Diffraction in Industrial Problem Solving. SWINDON,UK [Dr.K.D.Rogers,Cranfield Centre for Medical Sciences, Cranfield University, Shrivenham, Swindon, Wilts, SN6 8LA Tel: 01793 785 399 Fax: 01793 785 774 email: [email protected] ]

November 12, 1997
CCG Autumn meeting. Disorder, Twinning and Incommensurate Structures, BRISTOL,UK [Prof G.Orpen, Dept of Chemistry, University of Bristol]


May 28 - June 7, 1998
Implications of Materials and Molecular Structure for New Technologies ERICE, Italy [Professor Judith A. K. Howard, Chemistry Department, University of Durham, Durham DH1 3LE, England (Fax: 44 191 3743745 E-mail: [email protected]]

June 3, 1998
BCA Industrial Group Workshop on Powder Diffraction at Elevated Temperatures, MIDDLEBOROUGH,UK [Dr.S.V.Norval, ICI Technology, Wilton Centre, P.O.Box 90, Wilton, Middlesborough, TS90 8JE Tel (01642) 432005 email: [email protected] ]

June 16 - 17, 1998
Computers in Structural Chemistry and Molecular Biology, MANCHESTER,UK [Tel: 0161 275 4686 email: [email protected] ]

June 22 - 29, 1998
National Minerals Week. UK [The Mineralogical Society, 41 Queen's Gate, London, SW7 5HR tel: 0171 584 7516 email: [email protected]]

September 2 - 8, 1998
Fifth BCA Summer School in Protein Crsytallography, BATH,UK [Dr Garry Taylor, Department of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY apply via the Web site at URL ]

September 24, 1998
BCA Industrial Group Workshop on residual stress measurement by X-ray methods, MILTON KEYNES, UK [ Mrs Kath Clay, HEXMAT, 1 Westfield Terrace, Hexham, Northumberland, NE46 3DJ tel/Fax (01434) 601781 email: clay@hexmat, ]

November 4, 1998
BCA Industrial Group meeting - Crystallography In Industry, MANCHESTER,UK [Mr.P.G.Lake, Glaxo Wellcome, Temple Hill, Dartford DA1 5AH tel: (01322) 391971 email: [email protected]]

November 18, 1998
BCA CCG Autumn meeting 'Neutrons for Structural Chemistry', RAL,UK [C.C.Wilcon,ISIS Facility, CLRC Rutherfors Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, OX110QX tel: (01235) 445137 fax: (01235) 445720 email: [email protected]]

November 25, 1998
Structural Physics of Functional Materials, Autumn meeting of the PCG, COVENTRY,UK [Dr. Pam Thomas, University of Warwick, tel: (01203) 523354 email: phrve@csv, ]

December 11, 1998
BCA BSG winter meeting Proteins: Nucleic Acids Interactions, LONDON, UK [[email protected]]


April 7-15, 1999
BCA/CCG Seventh Intensive Course in X-Ray Structural Analysis, DURHAM,UK [Dr. Claire Wilson,'BCA/CCG Intensive Course', Department of Chemistry, University of Durham, Durham DH1 3LE, UK Tel: (44) (0) 191-374-4704 Fax: (44) (0) 191-374-3745 email: [email protected] ]

No Easter BCA meeting in 1999 due to IUCr99 in August.]

April 12 - 13, 1999
Industrial Crystallography Forum, COVENTRY,UK [Industrial Group of the BCA fax: (01978) 662464 email: [email protected]]

November 1, 1999
1999 Bragg lecture, "Polymorphism: the same yet different", CAMBRIDGE, UK [Dr. Paul Raithby, Dept Chemistry, Univ Cambridge. email: [email protected]]

November 3, 1999
Pushing the Limits of Powder Diffraction. Physical Crystallography Group Autumn meeting, RAL,UK [email [email protected] ]

November 4, 1999
Crystallography, the Internet and Spreadsheets, Industrial Group Autumn workshop, LONDON,UK [Info from Industrial Group web pages]

November 17, 1999
"Molecular Geometry using Methods Complementary to Crystallography" Chemical Crystallography Group Autumn meeting, MANCHESTER, UK [Dr Madeleine Helliwell email: [email protected]]

December 17, 1999
Making and studying protein complexes Biological Structures Group, Winter meeting, OXFORD, UK [Dr Martin Noble, email: [email protected] ]


April 3 - 6, 2000
BCA Annual Meeting, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh

December 18, 2000
BSG Winter meeting 'Signal Transduction' Birkbeck College,LONDON details from the BBK web site or the local organiser, Dr Nicholas H. Keep email: [email protected]

December 19 - 21, 2000
PCG winter meeting, 'Artificial Structures', BRISTOL, UK, during the IoP CMMP meeting [details from Steve Collins, Daresbury ]

BCA Annual and other Meetings





There was no Annual meeting in 1999 due to the IUCrXVIII held in Glasgow in August.

BSG Meetings

Further information may be found in the BSG Group pages.


CCG Meetings

Further information may be found in the CCG Group pages.




November 15, 2000
CCG Autumn meeting, 'Computational methods', HARLOW, UK
Security arrangements at this site require you to register before 1 Nov 2000. Late comers will not be admitted. [details Roy Copley email: [email protected]]

IG Meetings

Further information may be found in the IG Group pages.




June 21, 2000
BCA Industrial Group Workshop on Non-Ambient Diffraction techniques, LONDON, UK [ email: [email protected] ]
September 12, 2000
Industrial Group Workshop - Structural Materials, Residual Stress in Context. How To Choose a Technique. MANCHESTER, UK [ Judith Shackleton, UMIST. Telephone 0161-200-3581, email: [email protected] ]

November 2, 2000
Industrial Group Autumn Meeting - Crystallography in Industry, WELWYN, UK [ details via web ]

PCG Meetings

Further information may be found in the PCG Group pages.


<-- Click here to return to BCA homepage these moved off BCAs 4 Sep 99
August 1-4, 1999
Synchrotron radiation for structural studies of matter, WARRINGTON,UK a satellite meeting of IUCr99 [Alison Mutch, CLRC, Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire WA4 4AD, UK. Tel: 01925 603363, fax: 01925 603124, e-mail: [email protected]]

August 1-3, 1999
Structural and Dynamical Aspects of Molecular and Ionic solids using neutrons OXFORD,UK a satellite meeting of IUCr99 [Clare Wadley tel: +44 (0) 1235 44 5604 fax: +44 (0) 1235 44 5383 email: [email protected]]

August 4-13, 1999
IUCr99, IUCr XVIIIth Congress. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND [email [email protected]]

August 22-28, 1999
Sixth Summer School in Protein Crsytallography ST.ANDREWS, Scotland [apply via the Web site deadline 15th May 1999]