Dorothy Hodgkin meeting

The Dorothy Hodgkin Meeting

There will be a one day meeting at the Royal Society, London on Friday 12th July 1996 to mark the publication by the Indian Academy of Sciences of the collected works of Dorothy Hodgkin . It is opportune now to hold a meeting in which we shall review the current progress in areas of research which Dorothy started over 60 years ago as well as looking into the future of this science. The meeting has been generously sponsored by the British Crystallographic Association, the Royal Society and some pharmaceutical companies who have long been associated with Dorothy's work and its direct impact in their fields; Glaxo-Wellcome, Lilly, Roche, Novo Nordisk, Smith Kline Beecham. and Zeneca . The Royal Society library will display some of Dorothy's papers during the day of the meeting.

The programme for the day is attached and those interested in attending are asked to complete the registration form below and return it to:-

                Professor Judith A.K.Howard, 

                Chemistry Department , 

                University of Durham, Durham DH1 3LE.

                Telephone:      (44) 0191 374 4647

                Fax:            (44) 0191 374 3745

                E mail          [email protected]

Closing date for Registration, 15th June 1996.
Please indicate on the form if you want to join the speakers and other participants at the dinner following the meeting on Friday evening. This will be held in the dining rooms of the Royal Society at 7 p.m.for 7.30 p.m.

Please make cheques payable for fees/dinner etc to "The University of Durham".

If any participants, particularly those coming from abroad, need help to find accommodation in London, please contact the organisers as soon as possible who maybe able to advise on inexpensive options. You may wish to take this easy opportunity to make a contribution to the Dorothy Hodgkin Prize Fund of the British Crystallographic Association. (see registration form). The next triennial Dorothy Hodgkin prize from the fund will be awarded by the BCA in 1997 at the Annual Spring Meeting in Leeds.

Organisers of the Dorothy Hodgkin Meeting:-

Professor Guy Dodson                    Professor Judith A.K.Howard

Protein Structure Research Group                Department of Chemistry

University of York,                     University of Durham

York YO1 5DD                            Durham DH1 3LE

Telephone: 01904 432519                 Telephone: 0191 374 4647

Fax           01904 410519              Fax:          0191 374 3745


Registration and coffee                 09.00 - 09.30

Introduction                    Professor David Phillips


Chair: Professor Louise Johnson                 

Professor David Blow, Blackett Laboratory

Imperial College                                  Cholesterol Oxidase

Dr Bill Duax, 

Hauptmann-Woodward Institute, Buffalo

                                Steroids and High Blood Pressure



Dr Peter Roach, Oxford University          Isopenicillin N Synthase

Vitamin B12

Dr Phil Evans, LMB, Cambridge   

                                       Methylmalonyl CoA-Mutase

Professor Jenny Glusker 

Institute of Cancer Research, Philadelphia

                                B12-mediated enzyme reactions


Professor Tom Blundell    Pepsin and aspartic proteinases

Birkbeck College, London

Professor Guy Dodson, York              Insulin and diabetes


Chair Dr Max Perutz, LMB, Cambridge.

Professor Jack Dunitz, ETH, Zurich      Chemical Crystallography

Professor Michael Rossmann              

Purdue, USA                         Crystallography and its future

Closing discussion 

                        Meeting ends            18.00

Formal Dinner                   19.00 for 19.30

INSTRUCTIONS: edit the form below, print it, and return by post to Judith.


Registration form for the Dorothy Hodgkin Meeting, to be held on Friday July 12th , at the Royal Society, 6 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y5AG. Telephone 0171-839-5561, fax 0191-930-2170. The Meeting is organised under the auspices of the British Crystallographic Association.@

Please return completed form and your cheques made payable to the "University of Durham" to:-

                Judith A. K. Howard, 

                Chemistry Department

                University of Durham

                DURHAM DH1 3LE  

Closing date for Registration, 15th June 1996.

Address for correspondance........................................
Telephone...........................Fax number...................
Email address........................................................

Meeting fee (includes lunch, tea, coffee ) �25.00

Dinner at the Royal Society �30.00
[please indicate any special dietary requirements
e.g. vegetarian]

Contribution to the Dorothy Hodgkin Prize Fund �.....

Total enclosed �_____

Particularly for participants travelling from abroad:-
Estimated arrival date/time.......................departure
Do you want accommodation bookings made for you?
Single/double* room for the........nights of.11th / 12th / 13th*July in the
price range?.........................................................
{Costs will range from �40.00 single to �100 double as a guide}

(delete* those options NOT required)

Do you require other help with finding accommodation? YES/NO
If you find you are unable to attend after booking we can refund the
dinner costs only until July 1st Other costs are committed and cannot be

@ The British Crystallographic Association is a Registered Charity, No 284718

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