BCA Jobs with deadlines in Jan/Feb 99

25 Nov 98

The University of Nottingham School of Chemistry announces two newly established chairs:
deadline for applications 15 Jan 1999

and eight lectureships available from 1 Sep 99.
deadline for applications 12 Feb 1999

Informal Enquiries to Prof M.A.Chesters tel: (0115) 951 3450 fax: (0115) 851 3562 email [email protected]
These posts are being advertised in paper journals now, try looking for further details in some of the sites in our Positions advertised elsewhere section.

Neutron Scattering Instrument Scientists


Mechanical Engineer - Neutron Scattering Instrument Design

The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) invites applications for Instrument scientists and a Mechanical Engineer with the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) project. The SNS, a next-generation source for the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Science, is a collaborative project among 5 DOE National Laboratories led by ORNL. The SNS will consist of a 1-mA H- front-end, a 1-GeV proton linac, and a 221-m circumference accumulator ring. This accelerator will produce short-pulse neutron beams from a 1-MW beam of protons bombarding a liquid Hg target, for use by a variety of state-of-the-art instruments. The facility is scheduled for completion in 2005.

Full details of the Instrument scientist positions are available from Thom Mason, initial assignment may be to Argonne Nat.Lab, ILL for up to 5 years followed by transfer to Oak Ridge for instrument installation and operation.

Major responsibilities of the design engineer include providing general mechanical engineering assistance, design for fabrication, shop follow-up, and performance evaluations for neutron scattering experimental facilities and instrumentation for the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Experiment Systems group. Candidate will interact with design/drafting personnel, scientists, shop personnel, and external suppliers and contractors. The initial assignment, for up to 5 years during the instrument design phase, is at the Argonne National Laboratory followed by a transfer to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for instrument installation and operation.

The successful candidate will have a Master's degree or equivalent training plus a minimum of 2-3 years experience in mechanical engineering with emphasis on machine design, structures, heat transfer, rotating equipment and instrumentation. Experience with CAD/CAE programs and some proficiency with solids modeling using a personal computer, AutoCad Mechanical Desktop or Parametric Technologies Pro-Engineer, and spreadsheets desired. Demonstrated knowledge of fabrication techniques needed. Strong written and oral communication skills and the desire to work in a team environment on technically challenging problems required.

Qualified candidates for any of the positions should submit a resume with a list of 3 or more references to:
T. E. Mason,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
PO Box 2009,
Dept WWW, for mechanical engineering jobs or Dept NS for instrument scientists
Oak Ridge,
TN 37831-8218
or e-mail to [email protected].
Deadline for receipt of resumes is January 15, 1999 for design engineer, applicantions will be reviewed for instrument scientists starting February 15, 1999 and accepted until the positions are filled.

More information about ORNL and the SNS is available by visiting our web sites at:

http://www.ornl.gov and

ORNL, a multipurpose research facility managed by Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corp for the U.S. Department of Energy, is an equal opportunity employer committed to building and maintaining a diverse work force.
Thom Mason
Spallation Neutron Source Project
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
104 Union Valley Rd., SNS Building
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8218
E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +1 (423) 241-1499
Fax: +1 (423) 576-5436 WWW: harrahs.ssd.ornl.gov/mason

Leader, Neutron Scattering and Synchrotron Radiation Group

The above position is available at ANSTO ( http://www.ansto.gov.au ). The closing date for applications is 31 January 1999.

Physics Division
Leader, Neutron Scattering and Synchrotron Radiation Group
Senior Principal Research Scientist
$84,421 - $94,925

ANSTO is seeking a scientist of international reputation in neutron scattering research to be appointed Leader of the Neutron Scattering and Synchrotron Radiation Group in the Physics Division.

The successful applicant should have demonstrated:

The successful applicant will be offered a permanent position subject to the satisfactory completion of a probation period. For permanent appointment applicants must be Australian Citizens or Permanent Residents willing to pursue Australian Citizenship. Further details can be obtained by contacting Dr Claudio Tuniz on phone: (02) 9717 3493, fax: (02) 9717 3257 or e-mail: [email protected]. Selection criteria can be obtained by telephoning Mrs Judy Penny on (02) 9717 3385 or by accessing our Home Page on http://www.ansto.gov.au. Applications based on the selection criteria, giving the names of at least three referees and quoting position number PHY61, should be forwarded to Dr Claudio Tuniz, Director, Physics Division, ANSTO, PMB 1, Menai NSW 2234.
Applications close 31 January 1999.

Ansto is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Smoking in the Workplace is Prohibited






1. PhD or equivalent in Physics or Chemistry ESSENTIAL

2. International reputation in neutron scattering research ESSENTIAL

3.Demonstrated scientific leadership and the ability to inspire other scientists ESSENTIAL

4.Experience in project management and team development IMPORTANT

5.Demonstrated ability to negotiate with a variety of institutes and stakeholders IMPORTANT

Cherylie Thorn
Administrative Assistant
Physics Division
Private Mail Bag 1
Telephone: 61 2 9717 9039
Fax: 61 2 9717 3257

mailto:[email protected] http://www.ansto.gov.au

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this E-mail message do not necessarily represent the official views of ANSTO from which this message was conveyed.
The message has been edited by the BCA Webmaster, for full details go to their web site.

Research Associate - Monash University

Department: Medicinal Chemistry
Location: Melbourne, Australia
URL: http://www.vcp.monash.edu.au/chemistry
Start Date: Negotiable

Description: Applicants are invited for a Research Associate position in Protein Crystallography to work as a member of a structure-based drug design team. Current projects include PLP-dependent enzymes, malaria proteins and enzymes of the polyol pathway. The successful applicant is expected to have a background in protein crystallography and experience in biochemical techniques. Applicants with a background in small molecule crystallography are encouraged to apply. The department is well equipped for biochemical and macromolecular X-ray analyses.

Other details: Enquiries by email. Applications by surface mail or fax.

Please submit: CV and names of 3 references

Person to contact: Ossama El-Kabbani
Surface mail address: Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Structural Biology Unit, Victorian College of Pharmacy, Monash University (Parkville Campus), 381 Royal Parade, Parkville, Vic 3052, Australia.

Email address: [email protected]

Phone number: 61 3 9903 9691   Fax number: 61 3 9903 9582

Page last updated 22 Dec 1998
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