Progams on Micros

Acorn, Mac, PC Progs

This list is being updated, please let the Webmaster [email protected] know of errros or new information.
(last updates 2 Jun 99 added link to Lachlan's list. )


This list was originally for PC clones, but since both Macs and Acorn are becoming more popular I thought the scope of the list should be widened. There are two parts, crystallographic, and general programs. Are the general programs useful? or shall I leave them out in the next update of this list? The BCA Web site also has links to more commercial suppliers and software reviews published in 'Crystallography News', and to the programs listed by Lachlan Cranswick. in the Dec 98 issue of 'Crystallography News'. Please help me to keep the list up to date for crystallographers by supplying news of new programs or comments on the ones listed. They may be good word processing or graphics packages, or teaching programs, for research, or just amusement. Anyone know of an Escher type drawing program for PCs for example? Please send me the information suggested below, together with anything extra which you think important, either by e-mail to

[email protected]
or by snail-mail to

Kate Crennell, Editor 'Crystallography News',P.O.Box 64, Didcot, Oxon OX11 0TH, England



Program Name:

Program Type or Function:

What computer it runs on:

Contact Address for details:

Cost to academics:

Your Opinion of the program:

Contributed by:

Date Received:      I add this date to programs added after 1 Sept 93


        MICROS PROGRAMS LIST               K.M.Crennell

 This list was compiled from the most recent information I have received. 

 Help me to improve it by sending further program details, and any

 opinions, good or bad, you have of these ones listed. The ? following

 the 'Opinion' indicates programs whose details came from advertisements.


ALCHEMY II: molecular modelling for the Desktop IBM PC or compatible

Computer:IBM PC AT,XT, PS/2 minimum 512Kbyte memory, hard disk, EGA

         graphics board, IBM or Microsoft mouse and driver

         MAC version coming soon

Details: The Sales Office, Evans & Sutherland Computer Ltd, Suite F,

        Centennial Court, Easthampstead Road, Bracknell, Berks RG12 1NN

Cost to academics: 300 pounds (excluding VAT) 

Opinion:Recommended by Dr. B.J.Sutton, King's College, London

        'We use it extensively for teaching Biochemistry and Biophysics

         courses, and in my opinion it is considerably better than DTMM,

        It has at least all the functions of DTMM, but is much easier

        to use.

ATOMS:  atomic structure display software, includes molecules, polymers

        and crystals, and an optional library of silicate structures.

        Allows various polyhedral representations, includes symmetry 

        operations, optionally plots the unit cell position.

        Direct Postscript printer output and EPS files, later versions can 

        read files in the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre Format

        and display magnetic structures too

Computer: IBM PC/XT/AT, PS/2 and clones, Mac

Details:Shape Software

Opinion: Recommended by Dr.D.Waters, Earth Sciences, Oxford who published

         a review in Terra Nova 1991. He was impressed by the flexible

         control over the image, both on-screen and hardcopy, and found it

         much easier to use than the mainframe/workstation program SHAKAL.

         Particularly useful for inorganic materials and minerals.

Date Updated: 2 Jun 1999 (new web site, check there for prices)

AUTOSCRIBE publish scientific software and computer based training

        programs on various topics of interest to chemists, including

        analytical science, laboratory resource planning, spectroscopy,

        chromatography, synthesis, organic nomenclature, NMR techniques

        'Introduction to Crystallography' for an Apple II

Computers: depends on the program as does cost

Details: Autoscribe Ltd, 7 Hawkes Close, Wokingham, Berks RG11 2SZ

         tel (0734) 787917

Opinion: J Chem Ed Vol 63(9) A233 (1986)

BALL & STICK, 3D molecular graphics package designed for Apple Mac, uses

         pull down menus and mouse, has flexible data import, presentation 

         quality output to PostScript or other Mac packages e.g.QuickDraw. 

         Five plot styles include dotted spheres.

         Bundled with Hypercard stack MovieMaker for animation. 

Computer: Apple Mac with at least 1MB RAM, includes Mac Plus and all

          subsequent releases


         Cherwell Scientific  Publishing, The Magdalen Centre,

         Oxford Science Park, OXFORD, OX4 4GA

         tel +44 (0)1865 784800 fax +44 (0)1865 784801

Cost: In UK in '93 249 pounds +VAT + p&p academic and bulk discounts available

Opinion: Needs a colour (or grey level) screen to do it justice. Better

         for organic molecules than minerals.

CHEMMOD II MOLECULAR MODELLING, structure building with the usual variety

        of displays, allows interactive manipulation of 3D models, has

        Newton Raphson force field minimiser.

Computers: Apple Mac II with either A/Os or A/UX operating system

           Acorn RISC OS

           PC clone, MS/DOS maths co-processor, EGA or VGA graphics

Details: Fraser Williams (Scientific Systems), London House, 

         London Road South, Poynton, Cheshire SK12 1YP

Cost:    for Mac 1,000 pounds, for PC 500 pounds exclusive of VAT

         Archimedes ? prices on application to supplier

Opinion: ? details from publisher's glossy

ChemWindow V2.0  drawing program for chemical structures

Computers: IBM PC with Microsoft Windows, or Mac Plus or greater

Details:   Cherwell Scientific (see under BALL & STICK above)

Cost:      to academics 199 pounds

Opinion: ?

crystallographica a software toolkit for PCs, has macro language similar to 

Pascal allowing user to define new operations. Scripts can be run 

interactively, or from stored files. It includes a database of x-ray

and neutron scattering factors, import/export of CIF and Shelxl files,

powder diffraction pattern simulation, integrated crystal structure drawing

package, interactive access to atom properties, on-line help with tutorial

guide.Reviews in Crystallography 

News Sep 96 and in the Journal of Applied Crystallography (1997) 

30, p418-419. Full details on the WWW from Oxford Cryosystems, 

includes a free downloadable demo.

Address:Oxford Cryosystems, 3 Blenheim Office Park, Lower Road,

        Long Hanborough, Oxford OX8 8LN, United Kingdom

        Tel:   +44 1993 883488   Fax:   +44 1993 883988

        Email: [email protected]

Computer: PC clone running Windows

Date received: Jan 96

CrystalDiffract 2.0 released 13 Feb 98
a freeware X-ray/neutron powder diffraction program, with floating toolbar and shortcut buttons. Allows editing of structural data and investigation of how this changes the diffraction pattern. Includes xomplete X-ray scattering data, option to use 2 wavelengths to model traditional laboratory based experiments, and extensive 'Appleguide' on-line help system. It is a companion to the 'CrystalMaker' package see below. Further information about the program is on the Internet Computer: 3 versions optimised for various sizes of Mac Cost: download free from the Internet, Crystal Maker site Details: Cambridge University Technical Services Ltd, 20 Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1QA, England tel +44 (1223) 334755 fax: +44 (1223) 332797 email: [email protected] Opinion: Any Mac lover like to review it for 'Crystallogrphy News'? Only opinion I have so far (5 Mar 98) is from a PC user who saw it on a friends Mac and thinks it is much the best package he's seen for this application, but it is still not sufficient to make him fork out all the extra cash to buy a Mac. Date Received: 23 Feb 98 CrystalMaker a general teaching and research tool for crystallography, developed for use with earth sciences undergraduate courses at Cambridge. Demos can be downloaded via ftp, Computer: 3 versions optimised for various sizes of Mac Cost to single academic: see Website (site and commercial licenses available) Details: CrystalMaker Software, P.O. Box 183, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX6 7BS, UK tel/Fax +44 (1869) 369393 email: [email protected] On the www at URL Opinion: Click here for reviews in 'Terra Nova' and Crystallography News March 96 Date Received: 12 Dec 95 Crystal Office includes a useful display of Space Groups for teaching purposes Details on the WWW from Atomic Softek/a> Review in Crystallography News Date Received: August 95 CRYSTALS, a complete menu driven package for interactive X-ray Crystallography. Has sophisticatd crystallographically orientated graphics in full colour (with thermal ellipsoids and mouse driven control, including labelling), and hardcopy to a file in POSTSCRIPT format. Computer: IBM PC clone 386/387 or 486 with 8Mbyte memory and 20 Mb free hard disk Details: [email protected] Dr D. Watkin, Chemical Crystallography Laboratory,9 Parks Road, OXFORD OX1 3PD, England
Opinion: Contains almost all the features in SHELXL93, plus many others, with a menu interface suitable for teaching beginners. Date Received: 6 Sept 93 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE and LATTICE ENERGY for secondary schools and 'A' level Computer: BBC micros and RM380z and 480Z Details: Science Education Group, University of York, York YO1 5DD Cost: 11.21 pounds Opinion: School Science Review Vol 67(240) 660-1 (1986) DATALYST II: Chemical database management for a PC. Uses dBase III + IV file format for non-structural data linked to structures drawn with their Molecular Presentation Graphics(MPG) program, a chemical diagram editor. Computer:IBM PC XT, AT or PS/2 640Kb RAM DOS 3.1 or higher Mouse required also a version for Microsoft Windows 3.0 Details: Hawk Scientific Systems Inc (Sorry no further details, can anyone supply them for me?) Cost: Single User 590 pounds (August 1990) DIAMOND a 3D graphics software with an integrated database for the visualisation of crystal structures. Data may be imported from most standard systems including CIF, SHELX and the on-line databases. An improved verson produced in June 1998 Computer: PC clone 386 or better running Windows Cost to single academic: Free trial version since June 1998 Details:CRYSTAL IMPACT GbR Postfach 1251 53002 Bonn Phone: +49 (228) 735825 Fax: +49 (228) 739586 email: [email protected] Also on the WEb with FREE English language Demo available. Look in URL Date Received: 7 Feb 96, updated for CrystalImpact 14 Jul 98 DIFFRACT 1.3: Plots electron diffraction patterns (SAD,CBED, Kikuchi patterns) diffractometer traces, steroegrams, 2-D, 3-D structure projections Computer: Macintosh (Plus-FX) Details: Microdev. Software, 3120 NW John Olson Ave, Hillsboro Oregon 97124 U.S.A Cost to academics: US$ 499 Opinion: Very versatile. Works for all crystal systems. Diffraction part works well; will also take account of double diffraction. If atomic coordinates (or GEPs) are entered, it takes account of systematic absences of space group. Can calculate structure factors, angles between planes and directions, d spacings etc. Stereographic projections plot plane normals, or zone directions, but cannot plot e.g. plane normals with a zone axis at the centre. Has a occasional problems with the 'print' command and the 2 and 3-D structure projections. Contributed by: P.E.Champness, Dept Geology, The University, MANCHESTER M13 9PL DESK TOP MOLECULAR MODELLER:(DTMM) molecule drawing program allows synthesis of new compounds, rotation of molecules etc. Also the DTMM Structure Library, about 100 structures in each disc. Biochemistry, Organic, and Inorganic Chemistry available now. Extra utilities with version 2.0: PROTIN, converts data from the Brookhaven Protein Data bank to DTMM Symmetry Operator Program, applies space groups and symmetry operators to generate crystals and lattices of inorganic materials. Computer: IBM PCs XT, AT or PS/2 with 512K RAM optional maths co-processor, HPGL compatible plotter PostScript files with version 2.0 Details: Oxford Electronic Publishing tel (01865) 56767 ext 4278 Oxford University Press, Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP Cost: Version 2.0 295 pounds +VAT (in '93) site license available Also a cheaper (100 pounds) version for schools PROTIN 60pounds, Symmetry Operator program 150pounds Opinion: (version 1) useful program, data formats could be simpler, mainly for organic molecules, probably better for teaching than research Program name: DPS v5.0 Program type: Simple tool for diffraction pattern displaying, printing (Epson codes) up to 4 patterns on same plot, data reduction and peak search. Full-graphic mouse-driven environment. Computer : IBM PC/XT/AT compatible, 640K RAM, EGA or VGA , mouse required, math co-processor optional. Details : Karel Rimm, Centre for Materials Research, Tallinn Technical University, Ehitajate 5, EE0026 Tallinn, ESTONIA. e-mail [email protected] Cost : compiled version free, source code (Turbo Pascal) $89. Date received: 16 Sept 93 ENGINEERING MATERIALS SOFTWARE SERIES: a collection of programs for the teaching of various topics in materials science, including 'Atomic Packing and Crystal Structure', 'Point and Space Groups', 'Dislocations','3D viewing of Polymeric and Small molecules' Educational level roughly 1st year University/ 'A' level Computer: IBM PC and BBC micro 'Atomic Packing' also on Archimedes Details: The Institute of Materials, tel (0171) 976 1338 Cost: about 75pounds per program in March 92 (PC versions, others cheaper) Opinion: Good for teaching or individual study, not for research ISIP, IBM-SIEMENS INTERFACE PROGRAM: controls the data collection of a Siemens D500 powder diffractometer. Computer: IBM PC/XT/AT with 'Scientific Solutions' Lab Tender card Details: Dr. K.D.Rogers or D.W.Lane, Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, Swindon, Wilts SN6 8LA tel (01793) 785399 Cost to Academics: public domain Reference: J.Powder Diffraction (1987) vol2 no 4 227-229 Library of Physical Chemistry Software. written to accompany P.W.Atkins textbook on 'Physical Chemistry' as a teaching aide. Computer: IBM PCs and BBC microcomputers Details: Oxford Electronic Publishing tel (01865) 56767 ext 4278 Opinion: ? METAL and IONIC STRUCTURES plots of the 3 crystal structues and unit cell types relating to metals, and features of 3 ionic compounds using ball and stick and space filling models. For secondary level Computer: PC, various models of BBC micro, Archimedes, RM nimbus Details: AVP, School Hill Centre, Chepstow, NP6 5PH MOLDRAW a program for graphical manipulation of molecules on a PC (see J.Appl. Cryst 21, 75 1988 Ugliengo, Borzani, Viterbo) Details: P.Ugleingo, Dipartimento di Chimica Inorganica, Universita, Via P,Gloria 7, I-10125 Torino, Italy email [email protected] Cost: small handling charge to academics Date received: 6 Sept 93 MOLECULAR STRUCTURES IN BIOLOGY: a reference tool on compact disc for exploring molecular structures. It contains mixed text, data and images including computer generated pictures of the structures in the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank, a central index, and list of references. The editorial board is Dr.C.K.Prout, Dr.R.Diamond, Dr.T.Koetzle and Prof J.S.Richardson Computer: IBM PS/2 model 70 or 80 or compatible, 6Mbytes RAM 70Mbyte hard disc. Microsoft PS/2 mouse. OS/2 operating system 1.2 Details: Oxford University Press (see DTMM above) Cost: (provisional) 1,500 pounds Opinion: ? details from the supplier NEMESIS: interactive molecular modelling on the Apple Mac and IBM PC Computer: Apple Mac II, IIx, IIcx, IIci, SE/30 IBM PC details coming Details: Oxford Molecular, Terrapin House, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3UB tel (01865) 272940 Academic Cost: 250pounds individual license, cheaper for UK academics if purchased through CHEST. Opinion: ? Information from supplier 'Oxford Molecular was founded in June 1989 as part of the University of Oxford, with the aim of commercialising academic software in the molecular sciences. Academics placing their code through the company benefit directly from sales royalties and research grants.' Thus they hope to make software cheaply available to academics and at the same time share algorithms with industry for a beneficial effect on the whole computational chemistry software market. NRCVAX: System of programs for the solution, refinement and presentation of single crystal X-ray structures. The system contains all the routines required in the solution of a crystal structure. A set of filters permit movement of data from most diffractometers and to and from many other programs. Final tabular output is available as well as the ability to write CIFs. Interactive versions of ORTEP and PLUTO allow easy production of diagrams with output in Tektronix, HP-GL and Postscript codes. The PC version of the system comes with executables and full sources. Computer: PCs (80386/387 or higher with a minimum of 4 mbytes of RAM, an earlier version is available which will run on any PC), Most other computers including Unix and VAX which are equipped with either Tektronix or X11 graphics. Details: Peter S. White, Department of Chemistry, CB#3290 Venable Hall, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3290, U.S.A. Phone (919)-962-1689 Fax(919)-962-2388 e-mail [email protected] or Eric J. Gabe e-mail [email protected] Academic Cost: $200 Your Opinion of the program:'biased' Contributed by: Peter White Date Received: 4 Dec 93 PCPDFWIN search and retreival program for the International Center for Diffraction Data database on CD-ROM for a PC Details: Dr R Jenkins, International center for Diffraction Data, 12 Campus Boulevard, Newtown Square, Pennsylvania, 19073-3273, USA Date Received: 6 Sept 93 PERIODIC PRECIPITATION - a microcomputer analysis of Transport and Reaction Processes in Diffusion Media, with software development. Has simulation programs. accompanies the book of the same name sold by Pergammon Press Computer: IBM PC clones Details: of software from The Carnation Press, PO Box 101, State College, Pennsylvania, USA 16804 Opinion:? notes from publisher's glossy POWDERCELL a Windows version of the DOS program described in the Journal of Applied Crystallography (1996) 29, p301-303 W.Kraus, G.Nolze for the manipulation of crystal structures and calculation of their powder diffraction patterns. Demo version available for download via the WWW. Supplier tells me program uses English; Web page is in German or English Computer: PC clones Details: Dr. Gert Nolze email: [email protected] Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing Lab. V.13 Unter den Eichen 87 12205 Berlin Germany Tel: +49 30 81043109 Fax: +49 30 81043187 Date Received: 22 Dec 97 PSIGEN - chemical structure diagram creation, manipulation and display with an output option allowing incorporation into documents. Computer: IBM PC, PS/2 and clones Apple Mac version coming Details: Hampden Data Services, Foxcombe Court, Wyndyke Furlong, Abingdon Business Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 1DZ Opinion ? SHAPE crystal morphology software, will draw any single crystal, and most twins and epitaxial intergrowths Computer: IBM PC/XT/AT, Windows, PS/2 (DOS), Macintosh, Apple II Details:Shape Software
521 Hidden Valley Road, Kingsport, TN 37663, USA

Phone (423) 239-4771
Fax (423) 239-6360
or (423) 239-3003
Opinion: ? SHELXL93 a PC version of SHELX-92, a Fortran77 program for the refinement of crystal structures from X-ray or neutron diffraction data, designed for single crystal data from small structures ( 1-1000 unique atoms) at atomic resolution Details: Prof G.Sheldrick, Institut fuer Anorg. Chemie, Tammannstrasse 4, D-37077, Goettingen, Germany FAX: +49 551 393373 email: [email protected] Cost: to commercial firms a site license is DM 4999 currently free to non-profit making institutions Date received: 6 Sept 93 Latest details can be found on the WWW at 5 Dec 97 TEXCAM: simulates diffraction patterns as produced by a cylindrical, thin film texture camera. Computer: IBM PC/XT/AT or compatible Details: Dr. K.D.Rogers, Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, Swindon, Wilts SN6 8LA tel (01793) 785399 Cost: Public domain Reference: J.Appl. Cryst. (1990) Vol 23 Aug edition XTAL3.2 A portable software package for all small molecule and macromolecular crystallographic calculations. Computer: A special version is available for IBM/PC computers with minimum specifications: IBM AT or compatible; 536 Kb memory available to the user; maths co-processor; MS-DOS or MS-OS/2; MS Fortran-77 version 5.0; 20Mb disc storage. Details: Prof. S.R. Hall, Crystallography, University of Western Australia, Nedlands 6009, Australia. Fax: (61 9) 380 11 18 E-mail: [email protected] Academic Industrial Cost: Initial distribution package (2 years) $1250.- $2500.- Maintenance agreement (2 years) $ 500.- $1000.- Additional documentation: Reference Manual $50.- User's Guide $20.- Date Received: 6 Sept 93 SOFTWARE DIRECTORY and General Interest Programs Computers in Teaching Initiative [email protected] 1992 Directory of Chemistry Software price 20pounds +5 pounds postage edited by W.Warr, P.Willet, G.M.Downs publisher: Cherwell Scientific (for details see BALL & STICK above) GENERAL INTEREST PROGRAMS 1. Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) programs CamHealth - a COSHH management system for employers, including a hazards database, records of work activities and employees monitoring and safety training. (Details from AutoScribe address above) Opinion: ? COSHH Companion- a training program explaining the COSHH regulations (Details from Autoscribe) Opinion: ? HAZDATA a database with classification of hazards, toxicity data, safety precautions, occupational exposure limits, monitoring requirements etc. Computer: IBM PC clone with about 4 Mbytes disc storage Details: National Chemical Emergency Centre (HAZDATA),B7.22, Harwell Laboratory, Oxon OX11 0RA tel. (0235) 432919 Opinion: More chemicals in the database than that of SafeChem, but difficult to extract their reports from the standalone PC and edit in our local details. When I saw a demo some years ago it could not display formulae with subscripts, nor search on formula, and fuzzy searches on name had to start from the beginning of the name. Cost: about 800 pounds in 1989 SAFECHEM II - a chemical hazard information program adapted for UK legislation, including a database of the 1000 most commonly used chemicals, ability to add your own new materials, a report generator for fact sheets with first aid details, toxicity information, precautions for use etc., and a laboratory recording scheme for management of hazardous materials Computer: IBM PC preferably with hard disc Details: Sergeant Safety Supplies Ltd, P.O.Box 78, Kegworth, Derby tel (0509) 672656 DE7 2XT Opinion: Easier to use, with better reporting features than HAZDATA but not enough chemicals in the database for our environment where users bring samples for analysis on ISIS our spallation neutron source. Cost: in 1989 3000 pounds, may be rented more cheaply 2. GRAPHICS and CURVE FITTING AXUM All the usual graph types, 1,2 3Dplots, statistical analysis, data editor, built-in programming language, history log of operations import ASCII files or from other packages, export PIC, HPGL, Encapsulated PostScript Computer: IBM PC or clone, DOS 3.0 or higher Details: TriMetrix Inc, 444 NE Ravenna Blvd, Suite 210, Seattle, WA 98115 U.S.A tel: 1-800-548-5653 Fax: 206 522 9159 Cost: $500. + shipping costs academic discount available DADiSP 3.0 Uses a graphics worksheet to display 1,2,3,4D graphics in multiple windows, includes Fourier transforms, peak analysis, statistical and matrix operations Computer: IBM PCs and SUN, DEC, HP etc. workstations running X-windows Details: Adept Scientific Micro Systems Ltd, 6 Business Centre West, Avenue One, Letchworth, SG6 2HB Cost: varies with computer between 1000 and 3000 pounds EASYPLOT II graph plotting and data analysis, xy plots, contour maps poler plots, 3D fishnet surfaces, 3D scatter plots, bar charts Computer: IBM PC Details: Cherwell Scientific (see BALL & STICK above) Cost: 250 pounds GRAFTOOL 1,2,3D graph plotting, intelligent cursor to read our data points, curve fitting, unlimited zoom and rotation, multiple axes in linear log or probability scales, scientific spreadsheet compatible with Microsoft Word, dotmatrix, lasr, inkjet, PostScript output Computer: IBM PC with DOS 3.0 or higher Details: Adept Scientific Micro Systems (see DADiSP above) Coast: 395 pounds little discount for academics or quantity INTERACTER a FORTRAN callable library of graphics routines for graph plotting and display of 2 and 3 dimensional data and surfaces Computer: IBM PC, Archimedes, and larger computers running UNIX, PRIMOS VAX/VMS Details: Interactive Software Services, Polyhedron Software Ltd Magdalen House, Standlake, Witney, Oxon OX8 7RN Cost: varies depending on system, about 100 pounds for smallest Opinion: Makes your graphics portable across mainframes and micros, but expensive for mainframes when compared with the CHEST deal on UNIRAS GINO-F The mainframe subroutine library and associated programs GINOGRAF, GINOSURF, VIEWGRAF, VIEWSURF, HERSHEY+ Computer:IBM PC or Archimedes Details: Bradley Associates Ltd,Manhatten House, Crowthorne, Berks RG11 7AT tel (0344(779381 Cost: with educational discount, excluding VAT, 1320 pounds Opinion: ? I have seen a poor demo on the Archimedes. 'Interacter' above is much better value for money P-GKS an implementation of GKS, the ISO standard for 2D graphics programming callable from FORTRAN, other versions coming. Computer: IBM PC clones running under MS/DOS Details: Roy Middleton, Edinburgh University Computing Service. e-mail [email protected] Opinion: ? PGPLOT a Fortran subroutine package for drawing simple scientific graphs on various display devices, available via anonymous FTP Computer: VAX/VMS, UNIX, PC running MSDOS Details: For VMS, VMS/GKS, UNIX contact Tim Pearson, Astromony Dept, Caltech 105-24, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA tel +1 818 356-4980 email BITNET: TJP@citdeimo INTERNET: [email protected] for the MS/DOS version Allyn Tennant (NASA Marshall Space Flight Centre, SPAN:SSL::TENNANT) Cost: in the Public Domain Date received: 6 Sep 93 TABLECURVE: Curve fitting software with data manipulation facilities and graphical output with zooming and several types of axes including log Computer: IBM PC 640K memory, hard disc and one floppy required maths co-processor optional Details: Jandel Scientific, Schimmelbuschstrasse 25, D-4006 Erkrath 2 Germany tel. 0 2104 /36098 3. NUMERICAL LIBRARIES NUMERICAL RECIPES in FORTRAN (or C, Pascal, BASIC) which accompany the books of the same name published by Cambridge University Press Computer: PC or Mac Details: Science Publicity Department, Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge, CB2 1BR, England Cost:varies with the language, about 25 pounds Date Received: 6 Sep 93

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