Program for sessions at BCA Annual meeting 2001

This is the information published in the December 2000 issue of 'Crystallography News', more recent informations can be found on the Group web pages, BSG CCG IG PCG
Including Calls for nominations for the CCG CCDC prize amd the PCG Philips award.

The main information page is at
Click here for draft programmes of sessions, this page has a few administration details.

Reading Logo

BCA Spring Meeting 2001

University of Reading

Saturday 7 April - Tuesday 10 April 2001

Administered by the BCA Administration Office,
for all information contact the Project Manager,

Euan Woodward, Northern Networking, Bellway House,
813 South Street, Glasgow, G14 0BX

Tel: 0141 954 4441 Fax: 0141 954 2656
Email: [email protected]

Local organiser:
Dr Christine Cardin, Reading University, email: [email protected]

Conference website:

Page last updated 6 Dec 2000
BCA Home page WebMaster [email protected]
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