These draft progammes were printed in the December 2000 issue no 75 of 'Crystallography News'.
There are 4 programmes here: BSG,   CCGIGPCG.

Biological Structures Group Sessions at BCA 2001 Reading

Symposium 1 How MAD can you get?

This session aims to cover all experimental aspects of structure determination by the MAD (Multiple Amorphous Displacement) method from selenomethionine expression to locating the sites as well as novel developments in the field.

Expression of selenomethionyl-substituted proteins.

Neil MacDonald (ICRF/Birkbeck)

Exploiting anomalous signal, experimental methods of phasing macromolecular structures: methods, pitfalls and perspectives.

Sean McSweeney (EMBL/ESRF, Grenoble)

Methods for locating the anomalous scatterers in macromolecular structures.

Thomas Schneider (Gottingen)

Phasing on anomalous halides

Zbigniew Dauter (Brookhaven/Frederick, USA)

Symposium 2 Stretching the limits - proteins at atomic resolution.

This session will look at atomic resolution studies of proteins both as a tool for solving new structures and for mechanistic studies of enzymes. Complementary developments in the neutron field will be covered.

Ab Initio phasing and the ACORN program.

Keith Wilson (York)

Crystallography at subatomic resolution: the aldose reductase structure at 0.66 Angstroms resolution.

Alberto Podjarny (Strasbourg)

Finding protons with LADI - A new facility for neutron Laue protein crystallography.

Dean Myles (EMBL/ILL, Grenoble)

Symposium 3 New/Recent/Hot structures

plus Oral Poster Presentations

CCG logoBCA Spring Meeting 2001, University of Reading

Chemical Crystallography Group Sessions - First circular

Saturday p.m. Dr W.S. Motherwell (CCDC) will present the CCG lecture in the
7 April BCA Plenary Session on Visualization.

Sunday 09:00 - Hot and Cold Structures Diffraction experiments and their
8 April 12:30 results under non-ambient conditions - extremes of heat, cold
and pressure.

12:30 - 13:00 CCG Annual General Meeting (see below)

14:00 - The CCDC/CCG Prize for Younger Scientists award and prize
15:30 lecture, in a joint session with the /PCG prize winner. Followed by;
The popular oral poster session will be held jointly with the IG
and PCG; posters will be available for close inspection afterwards.

Monday 09:00 - New sources (joint with PCG) New radiation sources both in the
9 April 12:30 home laboratory and at national facilities - design and application
to real problems.

14:00 - 15:30 Workshop on the use of the program Crystals.

Tuesday 09:00 - Diffraction at the Edge (joint with PCG)
10 April 12:30 Experiments at X-ray absorption edges - the hows and whys.

Elections will be held at the CCG AGM for the posts of Chairman,Vice-chairman and one ordinary member of the CCG Committee and nominations are invited. The current holders have served for the maximum terms in each case and are not eligible for re-election to the same post, but they may be elected for any other vacant position on the Committee
(rule 12 of the Constitution). The Constitution of the group including regulations regarding election of officers may be viewed on-line at

Further details of the sessions and speakers will be available on the WWW at and in the March 2001 issue of Crystallography News.

Harry Powell

Another registration form for the April 2001 'X-Ray Analysis Course' is enclosed with this newsletter. Remember the deadline for applications is 5 January 2001. Full details are on the WWW at


Spring Meeting 2001
Industrial Group Sessions

(1) Basic Powder Diffraction Workshop

Sunday 8th April, all day - Monday 9th April, am

This one and a half day course has been constructed with a special concern for the many people now working in X-ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD) who are relatively new to the field. There are no special pre-requisites for taking part, other than a general technical background, but a little hands-on experience of XRPD would help.

The workshop is divided into three parts:

Introduction to Crystallography
Jeremy Cockroft, Birkbeck College

Powder Diffraction Instruments
Judith Shackleton, Manchester Materials Science Centre

Phase Identification
Ron Jenkins, International Centre for Diffraction Data

For further information, please contact:

Dave Taylor, 35 Birchley Road, Billinge,
Wigan, Lancs WN5 7QJ
tel. 01744 893108, email: [email protected]

(2) Why Industry Uses Crystallography

Monday 9th April, pm

Crystallography has wide application in many of our manufacturing industries. This session will give a series of overviews of the value that crystallography brings to a selection of these industries. While we hope these surveys will be interesting in their own right, we also intend that they spark some ideas across traditional industrial boundaries.

Presentations on the following industries are planned:

Aerospace, Pharmaceuticals, Electronics & Minerals.

The session will begin with:

The Alun Bowen Industrial Lecture

'Crystallography in the Aerospace Industry'

Colin Small, Rolls Royce

For more information, contact:
Steve Norval, ICI plc, Science Support Group,
Wilton Centre, PO Box 90, Wilton, Middlesbrough TS90 8JE,
tel. 01642 432005, fax. 01642 432244, email: [email protected]

(3) New & Future Possibilities in Powder Diffraction

Tuesday 10th April, am

The programme is being assembled to highlight some aspects of instrumentation and methodology in powder diffraction that have seen recent advances or where we should expect them in the future. Provisional topics include detectors, combinatorial analysis, mirrors and the Rietveld future.

For more information, contact:

Steve Norval, ICI plc, Science Support Group,
Wilton Centre, PO Box 90, Wilton, Middlesbrough TS90 8JE,
tel. 01642 432005, fax. 01642 432244, email: [email protected].

Industrial Group Posters

Posters are invited for display at the Spring Meeting. As an extra incentive to your participation, in addition to the acclaim that your poster will no doubt bring, the Industrial Group is offering a magnificent prize of £50 for best poster.

Some guidelines follow for what we would prefer to see in our posters and our adjudicators will work from these.

Posters are encouraged that:

There will be an opportunity to give a brief oral presentation of the content of each poster.

For more information, contact Steve Norval at the address above.

Industrial Group AGM

The 17th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Industrial Group will be held at the University of Reading on 10th April 2001.

Nominations are sought for the position of chairman and for two committee members to serve for three years from April 2001.

Nominations, which shall be proposed by not less than two members of the Group and shall be accompanied by the written consent of the nominee, shall be sent to reach the Honorary Secretary of the Group not later than seven days before the Annual General Meeting.

The Honorary Secretary is:

Dr P Holdway, A7 BLDG, DERA, Farnborough, Hants, GU14 0LX.
Tel. 01252 393117/392159, fax. 01252 397223, email: [email protected].

BCA Spring Meeting 7 - 10 April 2001
University of Reading

Physical Crystallography Group Sessions - general plan

More details will be available in the BCA2001 First Announcement.

Saturday 7 April, p.m

PCG lecture in the BCA Plenary Session on "Visualisation":
Dr M.T. Dove (University of Cambridge)

Sunday 8 April, 14:00 - 15:30

The PCG Philips Physical Crystallography Award and prize lecture, will be
presented in a joint session with the CCDC/CCG prize winner.

Sunday 8 April, 16:00 - 17:30

The joint PCG/CCG/IG Oral Poster Session will be held following the award session. All poster presenters are "invited" (with arm twisting) to deliver a 2 minute
snapshot of their poster to encourage people to have a closer look in the poster

Sunday 8 April, 17:30-18:00

Annual General Meeting of the Physical Crystallography Group (also the Structural Condensed Matter Physics Group of the IoP). Nominations are sought for Committee vacancies, see the PCG web site for agenda and other details.

Monday 9 April, 09:00 - 12:30

Joint sessions on "Advanced X-ray sources" with the CCG:
(I) New Sources
. This session will cover new radiation sources both in the home laboratory and at national facilities - design and application to real problems.

PCG Organisers - Steve Collins ([email protected]) &
Dave Allan ([email protected])

Monday 9 April, 13.30 - 15.30

Workshop on "Coherence", organised by Pam Thomas ([email protected]). An introduction to this important topic, with a lecture and tutorial programme to be

Tuesday 10 April, 09:00 - 12:30

Joint sessions on "Advanced X-ray sources" with the CCG:
(II) Diffraction at the Edge
. This session will deal with new opportunities for experiments at X-ray absorption edges - the hows and whys.

Further details of the sessions and speakers will also be available on the PCG pages of the BCA WWW site,

BCA and Philips Logos

The Philips Analytical Physical Crystallography Award is presented annually for the best recently published work (say 2-3 papers) by a relatively young person (usually 35 years of age or younger) working in the field of Physical Crystallography. It is to be expected that his or her research has or is expected to make a significant impact in this field. The 2001 award will be made during the Annual BCA Spring Meeting at the University of Reading and the recipient will be expected to give an oral presentation of his or her work at that meeting. The committee of the PCG (also the Structural Condensed Matter Group of the IoP) decide on the awardee and Philips sponsor the prize, which consists of a cash award plus expenses for attending the Spring Meeting to deliver the award lecture. The Award will be presented by a representative of Philips Analytical.

Nominations should include a brief CV of the nominee; copies of the papers on which the nomination is based (on which the main judgement is made) and a supporting statement from the nominator, including comments on the part the nominee has played in any research work published jointly with others. Nominations of candidates from the same Department as the nominator are not normally allowed. Optionally, a nomination form is available from the PCG Secretary ([email protected]) or from the Web at:

Nominations for this Award should be sent, by 31 January 2001, to the Chairman of the Group, Professor J L Finney, FInstP, FRSC, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT (email: [email protected]).

PCG Bursaries

The PCG welcomes bursary applications from BCA or IoP members who are affiliated to the PCG or to the Structural Condensed Matter Physics Group of the IoP. These are intended mainly to help young scientists (students and post-docs) to attend meetings and conferences relevant to PCG/SCMPG areas of interest. Bursaries can be applied for at any time, through the PCG/SCMPG Secretary ([email protected]) and will be considered by the Group Committee. However, each year we expect to target selected meetings as highly relevant for the award of bursaries.

A bursary has been awarded to Mr Jim Kelly (Industrial Materials Group, Birkbeck College) to help fund his attendance at the CMMP2000 meeting in Bristol, 19-21 December 2000.

The next targeted meeting for PCG bursaries will be ECM-20 in Krakow (bursary applications for the BCA Spring meeting in Reading are expected to be made to the general BCA bursary fund from eligible applicants). Applications for bursaries are expected to be received by the PCG Secretary at least two weeks prior to any early registration deadline - more details of deadlines will be publicised on the PCG Website.

Meeting reports from recipients of PCG bursaries to attend the ECM-19 meeting in Nancy (Thomas Lyford, Glyn Owen Jones & Vincent Jennings) have been received and are available to view on the PCG Website

Page last updated 15 Nov 2000
BCA Home page WebMaster [email protected]
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