World Directory of Crystallographers

This is available in two forms, either via the World Wide Web (Needs FORMS support) WDC10 or on paper from the BCA Administrative Office.

Copies cost £10.0 each by post (includes postage and packing), or less if bought at the BCA Spring Conferences.

Please send a cheque (in pounds sterling) payable to British Crystallographic Association to the BCA Administrative Office .

Entries in the World Directory

The IUCr newsletter is distributed to all those with entries in the World Directory of Crystallographers, which is periodically updated. To change your entry apply to the BCA Administrative Office.

If you have an entry and you are not receiving the IUCr newsletter please notify the

BCA Administrative Office. [email protected]

Any BCA non-student member who is not already listed in the World Directory can request an electronic submission form from the

BCA Administrative Office [email protected]

If you do not have access to email, apply by post to the BCA Administrative Office.

Page last updated 12 Dec 2000
BCA Home page WebMaster [email protected]
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