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Minutes for the BCA Annual General Meeting 1997

(Published in June 1997 ? issue nn of Crystallography News)

Minutes of the BCA Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 16 April 1997 in the Conference Auditorium of the University of Leeds at 4:45 p.m. with the President, Professor Michael Glazer, in the Chair. Approximately 75 people attended.

A minute's silence was observed as a mark of respect for the late Alun Bowen, Sir Gordon Cox, Ted Maslen, and Peter Salt.

  1. The agenda was approved.
  2. There were no apologies for absence.
  3. The minutes of the previous AGM (held at Cambridge on 3 April 1996) had been published in the June 1996 issue of Crystallography News and posted during the conference. They were approved and signed by the President. There were no matters arising from them.
  4. The Secretary's Report to Council, which had been published in the March 1997 issue of Crystallography News as well as having been posted during the conference, was accepted.
  5. Copies of the Treasurer's Report were given to all members present. Dr Steve Maginn drew attention to the figures at the bottom of page 5 of his report. A balance of less than £86,000 (at the end of 1995) had grown to one greater than £90,000 by the end of the year (1996), although the growth was entirely due to income on the BCA long-term investments. Apart from this income, the Association had in fact operated at a small loss. Some money had been transfered from the General Fund to the Bursary Fund and one bursary (£200) had been returned uncashed. He congratulated Dr Paul Raithby for the financial success of the Cambridge meeting. The apparent increase in administrative costs was due to an unusually low figure for the previous year. There had been a drop in the amount of cash (page 7) available to the BCA arising from the timing of the International Union of Crystallography 1999 Congress and the Chemical Crystallography Group intensive school.
  6. Presentation of Accounts. Regarding the forthcoming IUCr Congress to be held in Glasgow, a limited liability charity under Scottish law had been set up. Several thousands of pounds of BCA funds would be used: a drain at present but rewards would follow. There would be no BCA Spring Meeting in 1999. Subscriptions (page 2) had increased. Formerly GBP5 had been gathered from each Royal Society of Chemistry member: now it was £10 directly to the BCA. Also those Institute of Physics members requesting Crystallography News paid £9 to the BCA (in addition to the £3 to the IoP).

    Although one of the 1996 issues of Crystallography News had been rather expensive, owing to the advent of coloured covers, the situation had now been rectified and the newsletter once again breaks even. Kate Crennell was thanked for her editorship and for bringing in advertising revenue. The Dorothy Hodgkin Prize was funded from interest on the £7,000 in the account, but this interest was now less than it had been recently; and a renewed appeal may now be appropriate. Finally, Mr R Husband had been most helpful, highly efficient and relatively inexpensive. He was re-appointed as Examining Accountant: proposed by Dr Steve Maginn and seconded by Professor Bruce Forsyth. The accounts were accepted nem con. The Treasurer thanked his predecessor, Dr Anne Bloomer, for setting up excellent accounting procedures; and he was himself thanked with a round of applause.

  7. Election of Officers and Ordinary Members of Council:

    After some discussion about adequate representation on Council by all four groups, and in particular by the Industrial Group; all three names were put to the vote. Dr Hilary Muirhead and Dr Sandy Blake acted as tellers. Mr Derek Hart and Dr Chick Wilson were duly elected by a secret ballot of all members present.

  8. The retiring Vice-President, Professor Bruce Forsyth and the retiring Secretary, Dr Moreton Moore were thanked by the President.

  9. The Examining Accountant had already been re-appointed under item 6.
  10. As an item of any other business, Professor Bill Clegg asked about the timing of the Annual General Meeting in 1999, when there would not be the usual BCA Spring Meeting. It was decided to hold the 1999 AGM some time during the IUCr Congress in Glasgow.

The meeting closed at 17:35 and was followed by the Bragg Lecture.

Moreton Moore: 29 April 1997

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