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Minutes for the BCA Annual General Meeting 2004

(Published in March 2005 issue 92 of Crystallography News)

Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday, 7th April 2004 at 17.00 at UMIST with the President (Chick Wilson) in the Chair. 112 voting members were present.

  1. The agenda was approved.
  2. There were no apologies for absence.
  3. The minutes of the previous AGM had been published in the March 2004 issue of Crystallography News. They were approved as a correct record of the meeting as proposed by Harry Powell, seconded by Sheila Gould.
  4. President�s report: The President asked the meeting for suggestions for increasing the membership, particularly among Ph.D. students. Suggestions included regional representatives to build a network, free memberships for students, 18 months for the price of 12 (Sandy Blake), flat fees for the whole of the Ph.D. course (Tony Bell), and a flexible attitude to student bursaries for attending the Spring Meeting (Richard Pauptit), but not for general bursaries. Student members said what mattered to them most of all was the opportunity to attend a meeting The meeting accepted the principle of a free student trial membership (proposed Richard Pauptit, seconded Mike Glazer) subject to a discussion in Council.

    The President reported that our IUCr fund had been received back from the Geneva meeting and that its value would be maintained for the 2008 IUCr meeting in Osaka.

    He reported that Christine Cardin had agreed to be the BCA representative on the ECA, and that a bid to host the ECM in Edinburgh in 2009 had been prepared but not yet presented. The ECA have created a Max Perutz prize which will be presented in Budapest.

    He called for nominations for the BCA Prize lecture to be delivered at the Spring Meeting in 2005.

  5. Secretary�s report: The secretary, Christine Cardin, presented her report, which had been published in the March 2004 issue of Crystallography News.
  6. The report of Northern Network was presented orally. Gill Houston said that there were now only 771 members on the database. There are 11 companies as Corporate members (80 people). She reported that Crystallography News flourishes, and that the Spring Meeting had 270 registered participants. There were six new exhibitors. The Young Crystallographers sessions had been a great success with about 70 at the sessions. The 2005 meeting has been booked for Loughborough for the 12-14th April. Site visits will be arranged to select the venues for 2006.
  7. Treasurer�s report: The Treasurer, David Taylor, presented a detailed report, subsequently published in Crystallography News. He was asked why the accountants fee had risen by 50%, and said it was due to the extra work required by the Charities Commission. We should not expect the same increase next year. Gift Aid is a useful form of additional income, and so are legacies. Details of both of these are on the website.

    Chick Wilson thanked David for his tireless work on behalf of members, and Judith Howard proposed that the accounts be accepted. This was seconded by Chris Gilmore. The reappointment of the accountant was also approved. David Taylor recommended that the Young Company be reappointed. Graham Bushnell-Wye proposed that the meeting accept this, seconded Sheila Gould. The discount given on membership subscriptions to IoP members was discussed, and it was noted that the PCG wish to maintain the present position.

    The Treasurer finished by saying that he wished to stand down in 2005.

  8. Elections to Council:

  9. Appointment of Examining Accountant for 2004 (see 7 above)
  10. .

  11. Under Any Other Business:

    Presentation of prizes: The Industrial Group poster prize was awarded to Luciana De Matos, presented by Jeremy Karl Cockcroft. The PCG poster prize was won by X.B. Zeng (who was not present) presented by Pam Thomas. The CCG poster prize, very generously donated by Oxford Diffraction, was awarded to Stephen Crawford, presented by Simon Parsons. The David Blow BSG poster prize was awarded to A.I. Margiolaki, with second place going to Constanze Breitfeld, presented by Phil Evans.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 1745.

Christine Cardin (Hon. Secretary): March, 2004

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