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Notice & Agenda for the BCA Annual General Meeting 2002


Notice is hereby given that
the Annual General Meeting of the British Crystallographic Association
will be held on
Wednesday 27th March 2002 at 4.00 p.m.
in room C16 of the Pope Building in the University of Nottingham

The current Council members and Officers of the society are all due to continue in post until 2003 or 2004, so there will be no election at this meeting.


  1. Approval of the Agenda
  2. Apologies for Absence
  3. Minutes of the last AGM [published in the December 2001 issue No.79 of Crystallography News]
  4. Secretary's Report to Council [published in the March 2002 issue No.80 of Crystallography News]
  5. Northern Networking's Report
  6. Report of the Treasurer to include Presentation of the Accounts for 2001 and the Examining Accountant's Report
  7. Acceptance of the Accounts
  8. Election of Officers and Ordinary Members of Council
  9. Appointment of Examining Accountant for 2002
  10. Any other Business

(It would be helpful if items for inclusion under 2 and 10 could be notified to the Secretary before the meeting)

Christine Cardin
(Hon. Secretary)

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