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Notice & Agenda for the BCA Annual General Meeting 2000


Notice is hereby given that
the Annual General Meeting of the British Crystallographic Association
will be held on
Wednesday 5th April 2000 at 4.45 p.m.
in the James Watt Centre Main Auditorium,
Edinburgh Conference Centre, Heriot Watt University

At this meeting we shall elect a President and a Treasurer. The following nominations have been received:

For President
Prof. Paul Barnes, proposed Prof. David Moss, seconded Dr Jeremy Cockcroft
Prof. Chris Gilmore, proposed Prof. Neil Isaacs, seconded Dr Chick Wilson

For Treasurer
Mr David Taylor, proposed Dr Steve Maginn, seconded Dr Hilary Muirhead

There are three vacancies for Ordinary Members of Council. Four nominations have been received:

For Ordinary Member of Council
Dr Margaret Adams, proposed Dr Andrew Leslie, seconded Prof. John Helliwell
Dr Jeremy Cockcroft, proposed Mr David Taylor, seconded Dr Stephen Tarling
Prof. Kenneth Harris, proposed Dr Sandy Blake, seconded Prof. Guy Orpen
Dr Paul Raithby, proposed Dr Frank Allen, seconded Prof. Guy Orpen

Further nominations in writing should be sent to the Secretary to arrive before 29 March 2000. Nominations for any post require a proposer and seconder, and an indication or agreement in writing that the nominee has agreed to stand for the post. Nominee, proposer and seconder should all be current BCA members.


  1. Approval of Agenda
  2. Apologies for Absence
  3. Minutes of the last AGM [published in the December 1999 issue 71 of Crystallography News]
  4. Secretary's Report to Council [published in the March 2000 issue 72 of Crystallography News]
  5. Administration of the BCA
  6. BCA Archives
  7. Report of the Treasurer to include Presentation of the Accounts for 1999 and the Examining Accountant's Report
  8. Acceptance of the Accounts
  9. Election of Officers and Ordinary Members of Council
  10. Appointment of Examining Accountant for 2000
  11. Any other Business

(It would be helpful if items for inclusion under 2 and 11 of the Agenda could be notified to the Secretary before the meeting).

Hilary Muirhead
(Hon. Secretary)

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