Notes: Dates within ( ) indicate year due for re-election or retirement

BCA council 2023-2024


  • President & Representative to Scientific Unions Committee (SUC) of the Royal Society: Prof Richard Cooper (2024)
  • Vice-President: Suzanna Ward (2025)
  • Secretary: Dr Lauren Hatcher (2025)
  • Treasurer: Dr Claire Naylor (2026)

Education and Outreach Coordinator

  • Dr Ilaria Gimondi (2024)

Ordinary Members

  • Dr Cheryl Doherty (2024)
  • Dr Lucy Saunders (2025)
  • Dr Briony Yorke (2026)

Group Representatives:

  • Dr Gary Nichol (Chemical Crystallography)
  • Dr Helen Blade (Industrial)
  • Dr Helen Playford (Physical Crystallography) Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
  • Dr Blue Carter (Young Crystallographers) Pharmaron UK

Co-opted members

Prof Peter Moody and Dr Hanna Kwon (2024 Spring Meeting Programme chairs)

Ex officio

  • Professor Jon Cooper (Crystallography News Editor)
  • Nicola Hardaker, HG3 Ltd (BCA Administrative Officer)
  • Dr Claire Hobday (BCA webmaster) University of Edinburgh

BCA council 2022-2023


  • President & Representative to Scientific Unions Committee (SUC) of the Royal Society: Prof Richard Cooper (2024)
  • Vice-President: Suzanna Ward (2025)
  • Secretary: Dr Lauren Hatcher (2025)
  • Treasurer: Dr Claire Naylor (2023)

Education and Outreach Coordinator

  • Dr Christine Beavers (2024)

Ordinary Members

  • Dr Cheryl Doherty (2024)
  • Dr Lucy Saunders (2025)
  • Dr Hazel Sparkes (2023)

Group Representatives:

  • Dr Mark Roe (Biological Structures)
  • Dr Gary Nichol (Chemical Crystallography)
  • Dr Helen Blade (Industrial)
  • Dr Helen Playford (Physical Crystallography)
  • Dr Blue Carter (Young Crystallographers)

Co-opted members

Ex officio

  • Professor John Finney (Crystallography News Editor)
  • Nicola Hardaker, HG3 Ltd (BCA Administrative Officer)
  • Dr Claire Hobday (BCA webmaster) University of Edinburgh

BCA council 2021-2022


  • President & Representative to Scientific Unions Committee (SUC) of the Royal Society: Prof Richard Cooper (2024)
  • Vice-President: Prof Simon Parsons (2022)
  • Secretary: Dr Alexandra Stanley (2022)
  • Treasurer: Dr Claire Naylor (2023)

Education and Outreach Coordinator

  • Dr Christine Beavers (2024)

Ordinary Members

  • Dr Cheryl Doherty (2024)
  • Dr Anna Warren (2022)
  • Dr Hazel Sparkes (2023)

Group Representatives:

  • Dr Mark Roe (Biological Structures)
  • Dr Gary Nichol (Chemical Crystallography)
  • Dr David Beveridge (Industrial)
  • Dr Helen Playford (Physical Crystallography)
  • Dr Tom Roseveare (Young Crystallographers)

Co-opted members

Dr Iain Oswald (2022, Spring Meeting Programme Chair) University of Strathclyde

Ex officio

  • Professor John Finney (Crystallography News Editor)
  • Nicola Hardaker, HG3 Ltd (BCA Administrative Officer)
  • Dr Claire Hobday (BCA webmaster) University of Edinburgh

BCA council 2020-2021


  • President & Representative to Scientific Unions Committee (SUC) of the Royal Society: Prof Simon Philips (2021) University of Oxford
  • Vice-President: Prof Simon Parsons (2022) University of Edinburgh
  • Secretary: Dr Alexandra Stanley (2022) Rigaku
  • Treasurer: Dr Claire Naylor (2023)

Education and Outreach Coordinator

  • Prof Simon J Coles (2021) University of Southampton

Ordinary Members

  • Dr Cheryl Doherty (2021) GSK
  • Dr Anna Warren (2022) Diamond Light Source
  • Dr Hazel Sparkes (2023) University of Bristol

Group Representatives:

  • Dr Mark Roe (Biological Structures) University of Sussex
  • Dr Gary Nichol (Chemical Crystallography) University of Edinburgh
  • Dr David Beveridge (Industrial) HARMAN technology Ltd
  • Dr Helen Playford (Physical Crystallography) Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
  • Dr Tom Roseveare (Young Crystallographers) University of Sheffield

Co-opted members

Ex officio

  • Professor John Finney (Crystallography News Editor)
  • Nicola Hardaker, HG3 Ltd (BCA Administrative Officer)
  • Dr Claire Hobday (BCA webmaster) University of Edinburgh

BCA council 2019-2020


  • President & Representative to Scientific Unions Committee (SUC) of the Royal Society: Prof Simon Philips (2021) University of Oxford
  • Vice-President: Prof Simon Parsons (2022) University of Edinburgh
  • Secretary: Dr Alexandra Stanley (2022) Rigaku
  • Treasurer: Dr Claire Naylor (2023)

Education and Outreach Coordinator

  • Prof Simon J Coles (2021) University of Southampton

Ordinary Members

  • Dr Cheryl Doherty (2021) GSK
  • Dr Anna Warren (2022) Diamond Light Source
  • Dr Hazel Sparkes (2023) University of Bristol

Group Representatives:

  • Dr Mark Roe (Biological Structures) University of Sussex
  • Dr Gary Nichol (Chemical Crystallography) University of Edinburgh
  • Dr David Beveridge (Industrial) HARMAN technology Ltd
  • Dr Helen Playford (Physical Crystallography) Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
  • Mr Tom Roseveare (Young Crystallographers) University of Sheffield

Co-opted members

  • Dr T. Edwards (2020, Spring Meeting Programme Chair)

Ex officio

  • Professor John Finney (Crystallography News Editor)
  • Nicola Hardaker, HG3 Ltd (BCA Administrative Officer)

BCA council 2018-2019


  • President & Representative to Scientific Unions Committee (SUC) of the Royal Society: Prof Simon Philips (2021) University of Oxford
  • Vice-President: Prof Richard I. Cooper (2019) University of Oxford
  • Secretary: Dr Claire Wilson (2019) University of Glasgow
  • Treasurer: Dr Elizabeth Shotton (co-opted)

Education and Outreach Coordinator

Prof Simon J Coles (2021) University of Southampton

Ordinary Members

  • Dr Cheryl Doherty (2021) GSK
  • Dr Anna Warren (2019) Diamond Light Source
  • Dr Hazel Sparkes (2020) University of Bristol

Group Representatives:

  • Dr Mark Roe (Biological Structures) University of Sussex
  • Dr Gary Nichol (Chemical Crystallography) University of Edinburgh
  • Dr David Beveridge (Industrial) HARMAN technology Ltd
  • Dr Helen Playford (Physical Crystallography) Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
  • Dr Elliot Carrington (Young Crystallographers) University of Liverpool

Co-opted members

  • Dr Emma McCabe (2019, Spring Meeting Programme Chair)
  • Dr Alexandra Stanley (2018, Bursaries Co-ordinator)

Ex officio

  • Professor Carl H Schwalbe (Crystallography News Editor)
  • Nicola Hardaker, HG3 Ltd (BCA Administrative Officer)

BCA council 2017-2018


  • President & Representative to Scientific Unions Committee (SUC) of the Royal Society: Professor Lee Brammer (2018) University of Sheffield
  • Vice-President: Richard I. Cooper (2019) University of Oxford
  • Secretary: Dr Claire Wilson (2019) University of Glasgow
  • Treasurer: Dr Elizabeth Shotton (co-opted)

Education and Outreach Coordinator

Prof Simon J Coles (2018) University of Southampton

Ordinary Members

  • Dr Mark Senn (2018) University of Warwick
  • Dr Anna Warren (2019) Diamond Light Source
  • Dr Stephen Moggach (2020) University of Edinburgh

Group Representatives:

  • Dr Mark Roe (Biological Structures) University of Sussex,
  • Dr Katharina Edkins (Chemical Crystallography) Queen’s University Belfast
  • Dr David Beveridge (Industrial) HARMAN technology Ltd
  • Dr Helen Playford (Physical Crystallography) Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
  • Dr Sam Horrell (Young Crystallographers) University of Hamburg

Co-opted members

  • Prof Leo Brady (2018, Spring Meeting Programme Chair)
  • Dr Alexandra Stanley (2018, Bursaries Co-ordinator)

Ex officio

  • Professor Carl H Schwalbe (Crystallography News Editor)
  • Nicola Hardaker, HG3 Ltd (BCA Administrative Officer)

BCA council 2012-2013


  • President & Representative to Scientific Unions Committee (SUC) of the Royal Society: Professor David A. Keen (2015) ISIS Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
  • Vice-President: Dr David R. Allan (2013) Diamond Light Source
  • Secretary: Dr Claire Wilson (co-opted as acting secretary until 2013) UK National Crystallography Service, Diamond Light Source Ltd.
  • Treasurer: Dr Pamela Williams (co-opted till 2014)

Ordinary Members

  • Prof Simon Parsons (2015) School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh.
  • Dr Arwen Pearson (2013) Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology, Leeds University.
  • Dr Georgina Rosair (2013) Chemistry, Heriot Watt University
  • Dr Amber Thompson (2014) Chemical Crystallography, University of Oxford

Group Representatives:

  • Dr John McGeehan (Biological Structures) University of Portsmouth
  • Dr Peter Wood (Chemical Crystallography) Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre
  • Dr Elizabeth Shotton (Industrial) Diamond Light Source
  • Dr Ivana Radosavljevic Evans (Physical Crystallography) Durham University
  • Dr Anna Warren (Young Crystallographers) Diamond Light Source

Co-opted members

  • Prof Lee Brammer (2014 Spring Meeting Programme Chair)
  • Dr Alexandra Griffin (2015, Bursaries Co-ordinator)
  • Past President: Prof Elspeth Garman (2013)

Ex officio

  • Prof Carl H Schwalbe, Aston University (Crystallography News Editor)
  • Dr Ross Harrington (Education and Outreach Co-ordinator)
  • Dr Richard Cooper, University of Oxford (Website Editor)
  • Nicola Peel, HG3 Ltd (BCA Administrative Officer)

Notes: Dates within ( ) indicate year due for re-election or retirement

BCA council 2011-2012


  • President & Representative to Scientific Unions Committee (SUC) of the Royal Society: Professor Elspeth F. Garman (2012) Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford
  • Vice-President Dr David R. Allan, (2013) Diamond Light Source
  • Secretary Dr Georgina Rosair, (2013) Heriot Watt University
  • Treasurer Dr Andera Mulholland (2014) Consultant

Ordinary Members

  • Dr David Beveridge (2012) Harmon Technology Limited
  • Dr Alexandra Griffin, (2012) Oxford Diffraction Ltd.
  • Dr Arwen Pearson, (2013) Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology, Leeds

Group Representatives:

  • Dr Darren Thompson (Biological Structures) University of Sussex
  • Dr Peter Wood (Chemical Crystallography) Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre.
  • Dr Anne Kavanagh (Industrial)
  • Dr Kirsten Christensen (Physical Crystallography) University of Oxford
  • Dr Duncan Sneddon (Young Crystallographers) Diamond Light Source

Co-opted members

  • Paul F Fewster (co-opted 2009) PANalytical Research Centre
  • Dr Andrés Goeta, (co-opted 2010-2012) University Science Laboratories, Durham

Ex officio

  • Dr Mike Probert, University of Durham (Education Coordination)
  • Prof Carl H Schwalbe, Aston University (Crystallography News Editor)
  • Dr Richard Cooper, University of Oxford (Website Editor)
  • BCA Administrative Officer – for contact details see the BCA Administrative Office contact page.

BCA council 2010-2011


  • President & Representative to Scientific Unions Committee (SUC) of the Royal Society: Professor Elspeth F. Garman (2012) Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford
  • Vice-President: Dr David R. Allan, (2013) Diamond Light Source
  • Secretary Dr Georgina Rosair, (2013) Heriot Watt University
  • Treasurer Dr Harry Powell (2011) MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge.

Ordinary Members

  • Dr David Beveridge (2012) Harmon Technology Limited
  • Dr Alexandra Griffin, (2012) Oxford Diffraction Ltd.
  • Dr Arwen Pearson, (2013) Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology, Leeds

Group Representatives:

  • Dr Darren Thompson (Biological Structures) University of Sussex
  • Dr Peter Wood (Chemical Crystallography) Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre.
  • Dr Anne Kavanagh (Industrial)
  • Dr Matt G. Tucker (Physical Crystallography) ISIS
  • Susanne Coles (Young Crystallographers) University of Southampton

Co-opted members

  • Paul F Fewster (co-opted 2009) PANalytical Research Centre
  • Dr Andrés Goeta, (co-opted 2010-2012) University Science Laboratories, Durham

Ex officio

  • Dr Mike Probert, University of Durham (Education Coordination)
  • Prof Carl H Schwalbe, Aston University (Crystallography News Editor)
  • Dr Richard Cooper, University of Oxford (Website Editor)
  • BCA Administrative Officer – for contact details see the BCA Administrative Office contact page.

BCA Council 2009-2010


  • President & Representative to Scientific Unions Committee (SUC) of the Royal Society: Professor Elspeth F. Garman (2012) University of Oxford
  • Vice-President: Prof. Alexander J. Blake, (2010) University of Nottingham
  • Secretary Dr Georgina Rosair, (2010) Heriot Watt University
  • Treasurer Dr Harry Powell (2011) MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge

Ordinary Members

  • Dr David Beveridge (2012) Harmon Technology Limited
  • Dr Andrés Goeta, (2012) Durham University
  • Dr Alexandra Griffin, (2012) Oxford Diffraction Ltd.

Group Representatives

  • Dr Darren Thompson (Biological Structures) University of Sussex
  • Dr Jonathan Charmant (Chemical Crystallography) University of Bristol,
  • Dr Anne Kavanagh (Industrial)
  • Dr Matt G. Tucker (Physical Crystallography) ISIS
  • Susanne Huth (Young Crystallographers) University of Southampton

Co-opted members

  • Prof Bill Clegg (co-opted 2009) Newcastle University
  • Paul F Fewster (co-opted 2009) PANalytical Research Centre

Ex officio

  • Dr Mike Probert, University of Durham (Education Coordination)
  • Prof Carl H Schwalbe, Aston University (Crystallography News Editor)
  • Dr Richard Cooper, University of Oxford (Website Editor)
  • BCA Administrative Officer – for contact details see the BCA Administrative Office contact page.

BCA Council Officers 1982 - 2010


2009-2012 Prof. Elspeth Garman 2006-2009 Prof. Paul Raithby 2003-2006 Prof. Chick Wilson 2000-2003 Prof. Chris Gilmore 1996-2000 Prof. Michael Glazer 1992-1996 Prof. Judith Howard 1990-1992 Dr. Bob Diamond 1988-1990 Prof. Michael Woolfson 1984-1988 Prof. David M Blow 1982-1984 Prof. David Phillips


2007-2010 Prof. Sandy Blake 2004-2007 Prof. John Finney 2001-2004 Prof. Paul Fewster 1997-2001 Dr Frank Allen 1993-1997 Prof. Bruce Forsyth 1989-1993 Prof. John Helliwell 1985-1989 Dr Brian J Isherwood 1983-1985 Prof. Durward W J Cruickshank 1982-1983 Prof. Dorothy Hodgkin


2007-2012 Dr Georgina Rosair 2001-2007 Dr Christine Cardin 1997-2001 Dr Hilary Muirhead 1995-1997 Dr A. Moreton Moore 1991-1995 Dr Arnold Smith 1987-1991 Dr Judith Howard 1985-1987 Dr R W H (Sam) Small 1982-1985 Dr Andrzej C Skapski


2008-2011 Dr Harry Powell 2005-2008 Dr Sheila E. B. Gould 2000-2005 Mr David Taylor 1996-2000 Dr Steve Maginn 1992-1996 Dr Anne Bloomer 1988-1992 Dr J Ian Langford 1984-1988 Dr Ray Hine 1982-1984 Prof. Charles A Taylor