Physical Crystallography Group


There are 4 calls for nomination here for: The electronic form should be extracted, completed with your editor, and then mailed to the Chairman of the PCG Committee.


Nominations are invited for the 2000 Philips prize, which will be awarded for the best recently published work over the past two or three years by a young scientist (normally under the age of 35) in the field of Physical Crystallography.

The award of £250, which is sponsored by Philips, will be made during the BCA Annual meeting in April 2000. Nominations for the award should be sent not later than 31st January 2000 to the Chairman of the Physical Crystallography Group Committee:

Prof J.L.Finney, F.Inst.P, FRSC,
Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University College London,
Gower Street,

email: [email protected]

Click here for the pro-forma file to use with/for your nomination. Any further supporting material that you wish to supply will also be welcomed.


Nominations are invited for the 1999 Philips prize, which will be awarded for the best recently published work over the past two or three years by a young scientist (normally under the age of 35) in the field of Physical Crystallography.

The award of £250, which is sponsored by Philips, will be made during the IUCr XVIII Congress at Glasgow in August 1999. Nominations for the award should be sent not later than 30th May 1999 to the Chairman of the Physical Crystallography Group Committee:

Prof W.I.F.David, C.Phys., F.Inst.P,
ISIS Facility,
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,
Chilton, Didcot,
Oxon OX11 0QX

Please use the pro-forma below with/for your nomination. Any further supporting material that you wish to supply will also be welcomed. Save this page to your computer, edit off the form below, then edit in your nomination and send it to Prof David at the address above.


Nominations are invited for the 1998 Philips prize, which will be awarded for the best recently published work (say 2 to 3 papers) by a relatively young person in the field of Physical Crystallography.

The award of £ 250, which is sponsored by Philips, will be made during the BCA Spring Meeting, St.Andrews, 1998, and the recipient will be expected to give an oral presentation of their work.

Nominations for the award should be sent not later than December 21st 1997 to the Chairman of the Physical Crystallography Group Committee:

                Prof W.I.F.David, C.Phys., M.Inst.P,

                ISIS Facility,

                Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,

                Chilton, Didcot,

                Oxon OX11 0QX

Please use the pro-forma below with/for your nomination. Any further supporting material that you wish to supplv will also be welcomed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - -

Details of Nominee:



Current Position & Address:

Formal Academic Qualifications

Summary of Research Interests:

Supporting Statement from Nominator:

References : give titles and journal references for up to 3 recent papers by the nominee.




- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-Nominator: Name:                                 Position:

            Signature:                            Date:

=================end of nomination form cut here=============================


Nominations are invited for the 1997 Philips prize, which will be awarded for the best recently published work (say 2 to 3 papers) by a relatively young person in the field of Physical Crystallography.

The award of £ 250, which is sponsored by Philips, will be made during the BCA Spring Meeting, Leeds 1997, and the recipient will be expected to give an oral presentation of their work.

Nominations for the award should be sent not later than January 31st 1997 to the Chairman of the Physical Crystallography Group Committee:

                Prof W.I.F.David,

                ISIS Facility,

                Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,

                Chilton, Didcot,

                Oxon OX11 0QX

Call for Nominations for 1996 Philips Award

Nominations are invited for the 1996 Philips prize, which will be awarded for the best recently published work (say 2 to 3 papers) by a relatively young person in the field of Physical Crystallography.

The award of £ 250, which is sponsored by Philips, will be made during the BCA Spring Meeting, Cambridge 1996, and the recipient will be expected to give an oral presentation of their work.

Nominations for the award should be sent not later than January 31st 1996 to the Chairman of the Physical Crystallography Group Committee:

                Dr. P. F. Fewster,

                Philips Research Laboratories,

                Cross Oak Lane,


                Surrey RH1 5HA

Page last updated 20 Aug 1997
BCA Home page WebMaster [email protected]
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