Short notes on British Crystallographers

Some short notes on British Crystallographers

These are people about whom we have little information on the BCA website. If you have further information, or know where their obituaries were published please let us know.

He contributed some personal reminisences (page 680 - 684) to "50 years of X-Ray Diffraction' edited by P.P.Ewald, published in 1962 for the International Union of Crystallography. Also distributed in PDF format on the CD-ROM of the Glasgow Congress in 1999.

The following notice was published in 'Crystallography News' No 10 September 1984:
Dr W A Wooster
It is reported with regret that Dr Wooster of Cambridge died in April. He will be remembered for his many contributions to science, including books on experimental crystal physics, diffuse X-ray scattering and, with Henry and Lipson, on the interpretation of X-ray diffraction photographs as well as by the excellent models and apparatus built by Crystal Structures Ltd which are used by crystallographers worldwide.

An obituary was published in J.Applied Cryst (1984) 17, 486

Page last updated 7 Nov 2002 BCA Obituary pages webmaster.
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