INFORMATION about Steve Maginn

Information about Steve Maginn

Steve MaginnDr Steve Maginn Treasurer 1996 - 1999
Election Address when Candidate for Treasurer in 1996
The retiring BCA Treasurer has done a wonderful job in simplifying the administration of the Association and its accounts, and maintaining sound financial management. I would like to continue those policies - sound financial management will be particularly important in the run-up to the 1999 IUCr Congress in Glasgow - and believe I am best-placed to do this, for three reasons. Firstly, I have been Secretary and Treasurer of the Chemical Crystallography Group for the past two years, where I have strived to put the group on a firmer financial footing by obtaining industrial sponsorship for meetings and by the proposed separation of the group from The Royal Society of Chemistry. Secondly, I have a background of working in industry and therefore have some knowledge and experience of dealing with legal and accounts people and systems - and have a couple of nice suits ! - and thirdly, I am currently based in Cambridge, geographically close to the retiring Treasurer, which should ease any transition. I hope I can therefore be considered to be "a safe pair of hands" !

Editor's Note Steve later worked as the Manager of the DARTS service at the Daresbury Laboratory, before returning to Cambridge to work at the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre.
This file last updated 13 Apr 2000
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