INFORMATION about Ian Langford

Information about Ian Langford

Ian Langford Ian Langford
  First Secretary Industrial Group 1983-1986
  BCA Council member 1985 - 1992
  BCA Treasurer 1988 - 1992
Dr Ian Langford, Reader in Powder Diffraction, University of Birmingham, retired in 2001 after working for almost 40 years with Powder Diffraction, 21 of them with Arthur (Prof. A.J.C.) Wilson - 5 in the Viriamu Jones Laboratory, Dept of Physics, University College, Cardiff and then in the Physics Dept (now School of Physics & Astronomy) at Birmingham. Ian is a leading international expert in high resolution X-ray powder diffraction applied to many materials of environmental, technological and industrial interest and is the author of many papers on Powder Diffraction. He was a founder member of the BCA and was involved at the outset in establishing the Industrial Group. Ian served on the IG Committee, as an academic representative, from 1983 to 1989 and was the Group's first Secretary/Treasurer (1983/87). He was an enthusiastic member of the Industrial group to whom he presented many talks on powder diffraction and its applications over the years. Author of many papers on powder diffraction including:

This file last updated 12 Jan 2002
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