INFORMATION about Jack Dunitz

Information about Jack Dunitz

DUNITZ, Professor Jack David.
Emeritus Professor of Chemical Crystallography at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich. Laboratorium f�r Organische Chemie, ETH-Zentrum, Universit�tstrasse 16, CH-8092 Z�rich, Switzerland.

(Tel: +41(0) (1) 632. 2892; email: [email protected];
Fax: +41(0) (1) 632.1109); and home: Obere Heslibachstrasse 77, CH-8700 K�snacht, Switzerland.
(Tel: +41(0) (1) 910.1723)

Jack Dunitz ( born 1923) studied chemistry at Glasgow University, (Ph.D. 1947) and held research fellowship at Oxford University ( 1946-1948, 1951-1953), the California Institute of Technology ( 1948-1951, 1953-1954), the U.S. National Institute of Health, Bethesda MD ( 1954-1955), and the Royal Institution, London ( 1956-1957), before taking up a professorship at the ETH-Z�rich, a post that he held until his retirement in 1990.

He has held Visiting Professorships in the United States, Israel, Japan and the United Kingdom, has been elected to membership of several learned societies, including a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1974, and has received several awards for his work. He gave the Bragg lecture in 1999 in Glasgow and Cambridge, on the topic Polymorphism: the same but different

In early 2001 he was made an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. This was reported on p15 of the March 2001 issue of 'Crystallography News'

He has written more than 300 scientific papers and is the author of 'X-Ray Analysis and the Structure of Organic Molecules' (Cornell University Press, 1979; Verlag HCA, Basel, 1995) and 'Reflections on Symmetry in Chemistry...and Elsewhere' (with E. Heilbronner, Verlag HCA, Basel, 1993).

Most of these details came from the web site

This file last updated 12 Jan 2002
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