INFORMATION about Durward Cruickshank
Information about Durward Cruickshank

Prof Durward William John Cruickshank
BCA Vice President 1983 - 1985
born 7 March 1924 - died 15 July 2007
- Fellow of the Royal Society 1979
- Brief Biography from
the IUCr publication
'Crystallography Across the Sciences' includes his many IUCr activities
In 1949 he wrote an important paper on The accuracy of atomic
coordinates derived by least squares or Fourier methods established
(and in 1956 of anisotropic thermal motion parameters also).
- Winner of 1st Dorothy Hodgkin
Prize in 1991 when this picture was taken.
- 2003 Honorary member of the BCA
- Articles in 'Crystallography News':
- Obituaries published in:
- Royal Society news 17 July 2007
- The Daily Telegraph 17 July 2007 page 22
- CCP4 17 July 2007
- The Independent 28 July 2007
- 'The Times' page 64 9 August 2007
This file last updated 9 August 2007
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