INFORMATION about Dave Taylor

Information about Dave Taylor

Dave Taylor
Dave Taylor
BCA Council member 1999 - 2000
Chairman of the Industrial Group 1996 - 98
Treasurer 2000 -

26 August 2002

The Corporate Secretary of the ICDD wrote that:

"The Board of Directors of the International Centre for Diffraction Data is pleased to announce that David J. Taylor of the United Kingdom has been appointed to the office of Director-at-Large, serving the term 2002-2004.

Effective immediately, this appointment was made in accordance with the bylaws, Section 4.7(b), in response to the vacancy in the Director-at-Large position, formerly held by Ron Jenkins.

Endorsed by strong support of the ICDD membership, Dave brings to the Board extensive experience in XRD and XRF as a senior research scientist in the glass industry. He took early retirement from Pilkington and is now active as a consultant in X-ray analysis to industry and academia. He is the Treasurer and ICDD representative of the British Crystallography Association and has invaluable experience as an active ICDD member and Regional Co-chair for the United Kingdom.

Congratulations, Dave!"

Election Address when Candidate for Treasurer in 2000

I began my career in the glass industry with Pilkington in 1963, training as an Analytical Chemist and through day release qualified to attain C Chem MRSC. My involvement with X-Ray analysis began in 1970 progressing to Section Head X-Ray Analysis and on to manage a small team of inorganic analysts. In the early eighties the emphasis of my work shifted into the crystallography field inheriting an area based on cameras and a PW1050 goniometer with a strip chart. I was responsible for updating the facility to a fully automated powder diffraction system with an elevated temperature chamber and more recently into thin film analysis and reflectometry. The work included characterisation of innovative crystalline coatings on glass in support of the Pilkington research team. I volunteered to take early retirement from my position as Senior Research Scientist in April 1998 aged 50. I now do part time consultancy work and am involved with St Helens College and the development of their analytical service.

I have been a member of the BCA Industrial Group (IG) committee since 1991 retiring as their Chair in 1998 and am currently the BCA International Centre for Diffractions Data (ICDD) Representative. I co-ordinated a UK Instrument Intensity Round Robin exercise for the BCA IG. This gave me an insight into the performance of many instrument configurations and resulted in an invitation to present the findings in a workshop at the Denver Conference in August 1998. I am a member of the International X-ray Analysis Soc. (IXAS) Steering Committee. I became a member of BCA council at the 1999 AGM and now offer my services as Treasurer to continue the strong tradition of balancing low membership cost with the provision of high quality meetings, publications, services and support to students.

This file last updated 29 Oct 2002
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