INFORMATION about Chris Gilmore

Information about Chris Gilmore

Chris GilmoreProf Chris Gilmour
Ordinary Council Member 1994 - 1997
Co-opted as Local organizer of IUCrXVIII, Glasgow 1997 - 1999
President 2000 -
His election address when standing for President in 2000 follows. It was printed in the March 2000 issue of 'Crystallography News'.
Chris Gilmore Department of Chemistry, University of Glasgow
It is both a pleasure and an honour to stand for election as BCA President. My research is into crystallographic methods, and because of this I feel equally at home in all the main branches of crystallography and can serve them on an equal basis. (For example, I currently hold grants from BBSRC, EPSRC and industry in Europe, the USA and Japan). In addition, my experience in organising the IUCr Congress in Glasgow has given me very detailed insights into the working of the crystallographic community at national and international level which are of obvious value. The BCA has been, and continues to be, well served by a long line of active Presidents. I will do my best to live up to this reputation.
This file last updated 13 Apr 2000
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