Notes for completion of the registration form
1. Complete all fields marked with dots � in legibly printed
upper and lower case.
2. The affiliation given here will appear with your name on the
conference badge.
3. All information about the meeting will be sent to you at this
4. Tick one of the eight status boxes.
5. If you have ticked the student box give the name of
your supervisor who must also sign.
6. Circle the days that you will be attending the meeting. Please
also tick the sessions you expect to attend (P=Physical, C = Chemical,
B=Biological, I=Industrial) so that we can assign lecture rooms. Unlike
the days of attendance part of the table, this is not a fixed commitment.
7. Since the deadline for registration has now passed, the fee
is now £120 regardless of status or number of attending days.
9. Add £20 if you are not a current paid-up member of the
BCA at the time you send your registration. This extra payment can be converted
into membership by filling and signing a BCA membership form at the Registration
desk during the meeting.
10. Please enter the appropriate amount if you wish to attend
the �Instrument Alignment and Sensitivity� clinic. Numbers are strictly
limited to 50.
11. Please enter the appropriate amount if you wish to attend
the short workshop on DIRDIF-96. Numbers are strictly limited to 24.
12. Circle the nights required and enter the total sum.
13. Circle the days that lunch is required and enter the total
sum. Please note that these are sandwich lunches conveniently available
in the Sports Hall. More substantial cooked lunches are available in the
University refectory on request.
14. Circle the days that dinner is required and enter the total
sum. NB. Only circle Wednesday if you require dinner but do not wish to
attend the conference dinner.
15. Please enter the amount if you wish to attend the conference
dinner. A list of local restaurants can be provided for those delegates
not wishing to attend the dinner.
16. Please indicate whether you wish to attend the Civic Reception
on Monday evening. NB. Numbers are strictly limited to 250 on a
first-come first-served basis.
17. Please state any special requirements here; these include
dietary (e.g. vegetarian, vegan, etc.), accommodation (e.g. ground floor)
and wheelchair access. Provision cannot be made if this information is
not given at the time of registration.
18. Please indicate whether or not you intend to travel to the
conference by car. No charge for those staying in University accommodation.
Days visitors will pay £2.00 on arrival at the main entrance. Parking
space may possibly be limited.
The full amount of fees and charges must accompany the registration
form. Payment made by sterling cheque must not incur bank charges for the
recipient. Cheques should be made payable to The University of Leeds.
Payment can also be made by credit card (Visa, Mastercard but not American
Express) provided an extra 5% is added to cover handling charges. Please
send the Registration Forms and payment to: The Conference Office, The
University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT (Tel. 0113 2336100) unless you
are applying for a Bursary in which case you should follow the instructions
for Bursary applications given elsewhere in this issue.