Points to remember:
A Velcro-covered board 4' wide x 3' high will be provided for each accepted
poster; it is strongly recommended to mount your poster on this size of
backing sheet. There are prizes for the best Poster in each group.
Poster Abstracts may be submited by E-MAIL or as CAMERA-READY COPY. E-mail is preferred - Click here for submission details Camera-ready copy should be printed in black on a single A4 sheet. Side margins should be at least 3cm, top and bottom margins should be at least 4cm, and text size should be at least 12 point, The title Should be in CAPITALS, followed by the author(s) name(s) and affiliations. Underline those authors who will be at the Meeting:
KOSSEL PATTERNS OBTAINED FROM QUASICRYSTALS Ch. Schetelich� , S. Brenner� and V. Geist� �Physics Department, University of Warwick, �Institute of Mineralogy, Crystallography and Material Science, University of Leipzig.Please send the original and one good copy to the BCA abstracts organiser, indicating the session for which it is intended BSG, CCG, IG, or PCG now or certainly before 26 February 1996
Bursaries are available from the BCA and from each of its groups. They are
intended for young scientists who are members of the BCA, who are without
a permanent post and who present a paper or poster. They will be expected
to attend the relevant sessions. Applicants for a Bursary should submit their
poster abstract as described above or on the next page
and enclose/send a letter
of support from their supervisor head of department. Numbers are limited,
apply for yours now. Deadline: 31 January 1996.
BCA Abstracts Organiser:
Dr Frank H Allen CCDC Telephone 01223 336425 12 Union Road Fax 01223 33lll6 or 336033 CAMBRIDGE E-mail [email protected] CB21EZ UKLast updated 24 Nov 95