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BCA Spring Meeting 2005

Loughborough University

Tuesday 12 April to Thursday 14 April 2005

Scientific Program

Parallel Session: Photocrystallography

Wednesday 13 April, 08.30 - 10:00, 10:30-12:00, 13:30 - 15:00, & 15:30-16:30
(Room CC.00.14)

Chairs: Paul Raithby (Bath), John Helliwell (Manchester)

Detailed Programme

08.30 Jacqui Cole (Cambridge) Single-Crystal X-ray Diffraction Studies of Photo-Induced Molecular Species

09.15 Judith Howard (Durham) Spin Cross-Over Complexes: Structures and Photomagnetism of High Spin, Low Spin, and Metastable States and the LIESST Effect

10:00 Coffee & Exhibition

10.30 Eric Collet (Rennes, France) The Key Role of X-ray Diffraction for the Investigation of Photo-Induced Phase Transitions

11.05 Beatrice Vallone (Rome, Italy) Protein Structural Dynamics Observed by Time-Resolved Crystallography

11.40 John Helliwell (Manchester) The 15K Neutron Structure of Saccharide-Free Concanavalin A

12.00 Lunch & Exhibition