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BCA Spring Meeting 2005

Loughborough University

Tuesday 12 April to Thursday 14 April 2005

Scientific Program

Parallel Session: Modern Techniques for Crystal Structure Refinement

Wednesday 13 April, 10:30-12:00, 13:30 - 15:00, & 15:30-16:30
(Room CC.00.12/BE.0.25)

Chairs: Charlie Bond (Dundee), Simon Parsons (Edinburgh), David Watkin (Oxford)

This parallel session consists of two sessions of lectures followed by a CRYSTALS workshop. The workshop will involve brief presentations on several problems relating to refinement, after which participants will be able to use CRYSTALS to try various approaches to solving them. Most of the tools available in CRYSTALS are also available in other programs � the advantage of using CRYSTALS for a workshop is that the tools can be used interactively, with the results displayed graphically.

Detailed Programme

10.30 Richard Cooper (Oxford) - Advanced Techniques in Structure Refinement

11.00 Thomas Schneider (Milan) - Refinement of Proteins as Large Small Molecules using SHELXL

11.30 Garib Murshudov (York) - REFMAC: Recent Developments towards Automatic Refinement

12.00 Lunch & Exhibition

13.00 Charlie Bond (Dundee) - What's that Blob? Identifying Metal Ions in Protein Crystal Structures

13.30 Bill David (ISIS) - Beyond Least Squares

14.00 Alan Coelho (ISIS) - TOPAS-Academic, Programming Ideas

14.30 Tea & Exhibition

15.00 Workshop with Richard Cooper, Anna Collins, Stefan Pantos (Oxford)

16:30 Close