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BCA Spring Meeting 2005
Loughborough University
Monday 11 April

ISIS Crystallography User Group Meeting

Monday 11 April, 13:30 - 17:00

Chair: Peter Battle (Oxford)

Detailed Programme

13.30 Welcome

13.35 Steve Wakefield (ISIS) - ISIS and TS2 Project Review

13.45 Paolo Radaelli (ISIS) - Crystallography instrument review

14.00 Crystallography Group Members - New Instruments and Instrument Upgrades:

14.20 Discussion (instrumentation)

14.50 General Discussion - Suggested topics:

15.30 Tea

          User Science Presentations:

16.00 Anthony Powell (Heriot-Watt) - Fe7S8: Nuclear and Magnetic Structural Studies on GEM

16.10 Dominic Fortes (UCL) - Planetary Ices on HRPD

16.20 Dave Allan (Edinburgh) - Latest Developments in Small Molecule Studies on HiPr

16.30 Andy Parkin (Glasgow) - Chemical Crystallography on SXD

16.50 Peter Battle (Oxford) - Concluding Remarks and Discussion

17.00 Close