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BCA Spring Meeting 2005

Loughborough University

Tuesday 12 April to Thursday 14 April 2005

Scientific Program

Parallel Session: Crystallography in Industry

Wednesday 13 April, 13:00 - 14:30 & 15:00-16:00
(Room CC.00.14)

Chairs: Judith Shackleton (Manchester), Richard Morris (Huntsman Surface Sciences)

Detailed Programme

13.00 Michael Preuss (Manchester) - ResidualStresses in Friction-Welded Aeroengine Components

13.30 Tony Fry (National Physical Laboratory) - Residual Stress Measurements at NPL: Increasing Confidence and Developing Best Practice

14.00 Martijn Fransen (PANalytical) - Title TBA

14.30 Tea & Exhibition

15.00 Peter Laggner (Graz, Austria) - Bridging the Nano-Gap: Simultaneous SAXS and XPD on Nanomaterials

15.40 Ian Cope (Imperial College) - Using XRD to Support the Study of an Iron Oxide Deposit

16.00 Close